Message from @Sacramento
Discord ID: 411255679765184512
I need your help with a debate. the person is anti corperation and says that without the state taking control of most compaines and industry they will monopolize and hurt the people. is there any sources that you have that states how state ran companies are a bad idea?
thankyou @Red Storm (in NYC)
well what industries did they suggest
@mojo8448 there's a great video by bill whittle called "rich man poor man". It really demonstrates how poor people benefit from a system that seems on paper to hurt poor people.
@FLanon he posted this pic while sayign what i stated prior
@Sacramento thankyou for the video
@Red Storm (in NYC) this is what he posted in my discord and said what i stated before^
Damn those capitalists! How dare they invent computers, planes, cars, motorcycles! We were supposed to be farmers in perpetuity!
@everyone this vid was made by a friend of mine, I know some of you guys want to learn how to speak better / tell stories better /etc; this is made for getting better with womyn but it also can help with talking politics and selling people on ideas
@mojo8448 I mean the danger of monopolies is basically realized there then, if the government is not benevolent (hint: it almost mever is) then it could simply exploit its citizens and screw with them however they want without any competition because you can't compete against a government.
Anti-trust and all that is good and we shouldn't let corps fuck around with whatever they want like they've been doing with estrogen mimickers but the government is not an amazing alternative. Companies and the government should make deals, it should be more pragmatic
Plus at the moment there's a lot of pro-big business regulation that prevents small business from entry point (look up the qualifications for being an accredited investor, it's insane shit)
I'll take this to vc once my shift ends, I'll be back soon
Will listen when able to
blocked in the UK
questioned by MI5
I got pulled out of class today
apparently big brother (the police) is unironically watching my social media because of quote-on-quote "neo-nazi" stuff. I'm not a neo-nazi and I haven't posted neo-nazi stuff so it's probably some libcuck police kike who has nothing better to do but bug people over their beliefs (which they are so rightfully entitled to)
@Cade What state are you from
wait are you in the UK
@Cade can you join the voice chat
AZ lol
McTumor is from there
its probably a neo(((conservative)))
why don't you just carry a ham sandwich with you at all times? If a muzzie pulls you out just start eating it