Message from @FLanon
Discord ID: 413175553856897025
competitive Governor race this year
the GOP candidate could win
yeah there is almost no way to get GOP for congress
and even then the GOP guy is pretty much a textbook cuckservitive
If you can, is it possible for you to go to New Hampshire or certain parts of NJ and campaign?
the thing is,
Connecticut could be redrawn in a way that would give it a House seat
let me show you,
Redrawings I'm not sure would be possible this year are they?
That's interesting
yeah northern CT is somewhat conservitive
but southern CT is a no go
Do you think there's any possibility in the next couple decades that many of those northeast states may flip in a way sort of like what happened in the deep south in the '80s?
i suspect Maine and NH will shift to the right
not sure about MA tho
maybe the southeast but southwest CT is pretty much liberals who got sick of living in New York
Maine was somewhat close (at large) to being won over
yeah any chance of fliping that state?
Under the right circumstances
like what
It's starting to kind of trend purplish
any chance of cultural enrichment causing them to flip?
or will they just become like sweden
I think that could be a major factor in a few years, I suspect there'll be a sort of flip up there as it becomes clear that the dems don't care about unions
yeah plus main and parts of CT are in a similar situation as the rust belt
yeah plus main and parts of CT are in a similar situation as the rust belt
isn't CT being flooded by Porto Ricans
not realy
I'm not sure definitively, it's just a theory of mine, as the GOP takes up the position of the white's worker's party and the dems become the POC party, I think there'll be some changes
yeah and there is some white working class communities in bridgeport bit the rest is pretty much a mini detroit
Hey, time'll tell
Anyways, I'm going now, welcome to the discord
@-MH- ghost how's it going, what state are you from
@Red Storm (in NYC) New Jersey
Japan needs more lebensruam