Message from @Red Storm (in NYC)
Discord ID: 402227919591571457
he's the best option, but Michigan's not going red
it could be competitive in theory
I think we need to prioritize winnability over anything else
it's better to have an R who can be influenced to be less of a cuck after they won
right, we need make each state as competitive as humanly possible
than a D who can't be influenced
if they have an anti immigration position, I think that's really the only metric to care about
my goal is to have RAISE passed
Bannon's strategy of warring against establishment cucks should have started in Trump's 2nd term, not his 1st
yeah, Flake and Corker have really been the only ones who have posed an issue legislatively who are up this year, looking at Alabama, that should've never been lost
Going after Strange was foolish, he voted for Trump's agenda 98% of the time
his goal was to take out McConnell, but by just pushing Moore into the nomination and abandoning the campaign after the allegations, he's given McConnell more clout than he could've ever imagined
now we're asking the question "is this guy going to be a risk" after what happened because of Bannon
the thing is, I wonder how many primary voters flipped from Strange to Moore after Bannon's endorsement
does Bannon really hold that much clout among GOP primary voters?
another thing, bringing the guy from Blackwater to run in Wyoming is such a ridiculous idea, what has he even done in the state
he's just someone who worked for Breitbart
and became a prominent figure in the Trump administration after Trump won, but...I don't see how that translates to political clout among voters
the thing is, a lot of people had it in their heads that he was the voice behind MAGA, and that he was what won the campaign
oh look at that
"a lot of people had it in their heads that he was the voice behind MAGA, and that he was what won the campaign"
I think he helped with the "grab her by the pussy" allegations by giving the idea to bring Bill Clinton's accusers but wasn't he in support of Cruz during the primaries?
I think that idea is pushed by the media
I'm not sure how many GOP primary voters would vote for someone in the primary just because Bannon endorsed them
@Nuke what state are you from
I think that Trump's endorsement would've been enough to win Strange the primary, but the thing is at the time people had the idea that Bannon was a MAGA agent working outside the White House on Trump's command
Moore was popular among conservatives in Alabama for quite some time
He was known for his religious rulings as a judge for decades,
Bannon or not, he was always likely to win the primary
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 yeah, I think I might have heard of Moore years ago back when that 10 Commandment thing was in the news
there's no real way of knowing now I guess
he definitely shouldn't have watched football during that last weekend though
God, I hope another scandal doesn't break out in the near future
here's something very important to keep in mind: people on /pol/ and other right wing spaces on the Internet ....are NOT the same thing as GOP voters
during those last few days of the presidential campaign, Trump was fucking grinding it with those rallies, 4 states in a day, that's the mentality we need
there are many, many GOP voters who are old people who don't even know how to use the Internet that well