Message from @🎃Boo-ton🎃

Discord ID: 402250690694479872

2018-01-14 23:51:35 UTC  

the thing is, how do we accomplish something similar w/ an R congress and president

2018-01-14 23:52:04 UTC  

the problem is today most politicians are old and out of touch

2018-01-14 23:52:09 UTC  

defining something like a MAGA contract for candidates running for congress

2018-01-14 23:52:22 UTC  

Trump definitely should have a strategy room for this, it's the most important thing possible between now and 2020

2018-01-14 23:52:34 UTC  

most politicians have never been to a small town except for maybe a pre-planned photo op

2018-01-14 23:52:43 UTC  

from what I can tell, Trump not only knows it's super important, but it'll be one of his main prioritis this year

2018-01-14 23:53:37 UTC  

I started making these election threads a bit earlier...arguably it's even too early for people to care about the primaries right now

2018-01-14 23:53:45 UTC  

this will get him a wall, RAISE, obamacare repeal, whatever he wants, he would fulfill so many campaign promises potentially with congress that much on his side if he breaks the amnesty coalition

2018-01-14 23:54:20 UTC  

I'm sure there are lots of people PLANNING to run right now though, it's just that voters won't start caring about primaries until springtime at the very least

2018-01-14 23:55:00 UTC  

Have you ever wondered why Trump did so well in South Carolina?
Here's why,

2018-01-14 23:56:00 UTC  

y'know, some day I may run if the opportunity arises

2018-01-14 23:56:08 UTC  

this image, it might not seem like much. But it did wonders for optics. It made South Carolinians feel like he was at there level

2018-01-14 23:56:16 UTC  

there's so much damn potential that can be done nowadays

2018-01-14 23:57:14 UTC  

kinda like the pic of Nehlen w/ a Five Guys wrapper, it brings him down to earth, right?

2018-01-14 23:57:24 UTC  


2018-01-14 23:57:47 UTC  

I'm going to be very, very, very surprised if there aren't a decent amount of congressional candidates using Trumpian tactics

2018-01-14 23:58:55 UTC  

the thing we have to figure out is how we get about channeling that grassroots energy into a party with a majority in Congress

2018-01-14 23:59:13 UTC  

technically the amnesty coalition is the majority, but the Rs have the illusion of power

2018-01-15 00:00:14 UTC  

we seem like the "establishment" now to the uninformed person, how do we turn it around?

2018-01-15 00:00:25 UTC  

Oh, oh,

2018-01-15 00:00:38 UTC  

I was reading this report by AP the other day,

2018-01-15 00:00:51 UTC  

the thing is, 'uninformed' people tend to be those who don't even bother voting, much less in the midterms

2018-01-15 00:01:09 UTC  

so that doesn't really matter

2018-01-15 00:01:36 UTC  

I mean uninformed in the sense of watching MSM day after day, not really as apolitical

2018-01-15 00:01:49 UTC  

misinformed would be more correct

2018-01-15 00:01:54 UTC  

they interviewed some Trump voters in Appalachia,
they said it would mean the world to them if Trump went down personally there to see them.
not like a rally, just to look around and talk to them

2018-01-15 00:02:10 UTC  

I'd say that people who voted for Trump can be counted on to vote against the democrats

2018-01-15 00:02:39 UTC  

especially if he campaigns all around the country with the congressional candidates he backs

2018-01-15 00:03:06 UTC  


2018-01-15 00:03:25 UTC  

neverTrumpers can also be counted on to vote against the democrats, or at least they can be influenced to do so

2018-01-15 00:03:26 UTC  

the Trump physical energy rallies people like nothing else

2018-01-15 00:03:49 UTC  

I have no doubt that Moore would've won if Trump made an appearance in Alabma

2018-01-15 00:03:52 UTC  


2018-01-15 00:03:58 UTC  

now when it comes to leftists...the idea is to get them not to turn out, but one thing I'll concede is that their sperged out rage will motivate them to turn out

2018-01-15 00:04:13 UTC  

however, their sperg rage will also turn off independents and moderates

2018-01-15 00:04:56 UTC  

Trump voters + neverTrumpers + independents/moderates --> left gets btfo

2018-01-15 00:05:24 UTC  

maybe we can try a reprisal on the Hillary effect? "hey you guys won Alabama, West Virginia is going to be just fine", something along those lines.

2018-01-15 00:05:24 UTC  

The Suburbs are key

2018-01-15 00:05:32 UTC  

Trump MUST win over Suburbs

2018-01-15 00:05:42 UTC  

that's the thing

2018-01-15 00:05:46 UTC  

Alabama can give them false confidence