Message from @FLanon
Discord ID: 403687522787393551
Democrat control, but it's harrowed Rust Belt territory
Well let's see if we can't spin that around
on Facebook under the 'Current Headlines' section I saw this dumb MSM post about how Trump is 'scrambling' and 'panicking' because he's campaigning for the GOP candidate in that seat
is he really?
fucking amazing
let me make the new general btw
there's a reason to be concerned
if he's campaigning that means he sees this and is taking action
remember, these people want us to lose
I'd be panicking too if I was the President and my party was losing 35 seats since I took office
Trump's best when he's live
net loss of 31
I wouldn't call it 'panic'
I would call it a measured response born out of appropriate concern
new thread
The tweets are ok and all, but at a rally it's full of energy, he gets people going
the governor of Wisconsin was panicked that's for sure
I 100% think that if Trump made a live appearance at VA during Gillespie or AL during Moore, they most certainly would have won instead of putting out some tweet saying "hey guys vote"
We need Trump to be an activist for his party this year, an asset.
Gillespie actually rejected an offer by Trump to rally for him
Still, the principle stands
That was certainly a stupid move to make
You need all the awareness you can get
good thing Trump rallied too, his voters are concentrated in that district
btw guys, have the discussion in the thread so that it bumps it and keeps it from getting slid
He needs to pull all the rallies possible
He's got to be able to get 2016 levels
Here's my prediction: GOP wins, but because of massive Dem fundraising they do better than normal, which leads to them saying "durr here's further proof of le blue wave"
(that's what happened for all the other special House elections. GOP wins, but Democrats do better than usual because of massive amounts of $ and media attention)
I have no clue what the RNC is planning
that's the fucking thing
I can picture a blue wave happening if the RNC continues to sit on their ass
There's the possibility they're lazy retards
Paul Ryan has earned 44 million dollars this year in donations
he better spend in on the race
Is it his to spend or the party's to spend
@FLanon there's also the huge possibility that because they're establishment politicians, they'd rather let Democrats win than have Trump win