Message from @TrippyTurtle
Discord ID: 403349644807241738
This is why I suggest strict federal voter ID legislation
the fact that the Rs didn't try that when they had so much legislative power in the Bush era fucking astounds me
Bush Republicans are pretty much establishment stooges though
and Bush was a "welcome hispanics into the GOP" kind of guy
Fair enough, but you'd think they'd care about their own political capital enough to do voter ID legislation
If they want to make it a "hispanics welcome" party, they could have at least pushed voter ID
They've known about this kind of stuff for fucking decades, and no one does anything about it
Closest thing I've seen is the Kobach commission, and it was disbanded recently
Even if most states didn't comply, they had the rolls from NH and NV I think, they could have made a good case right there and then.
For Christ's sake I hope that 4d chess shit is real or this is going to be fucking terrible
excuse me
this dot map shows the political and racial demographics of the US
all these small, white towns in Minnesota-8 make the district ripe for the taking
good. we should have info like this for when the next general is posted
I support it
yeah, it's been really picking up steam in the media recently
not sure if this or State of Jefferson would be better though
tbh they should call the east side "california" and the west side "American Nuclear Testing Zone"
notice something?
the redder areas are smaller, whiter towns
that's Trump's base
don't forget,
small, white towns
their website is straining from all the traffic
I wonder if Trump deliberately did this to let the GOP Establishment know who holds the real power
hopefully it conveys the reality check they need
they've been sitting on their ass when it comes to voter turnout
the fact that their shitty website is crashing because of Trump should remind them who gave them the power they currently have
new thread
I'm not reading into it that deeply
certainly symbolic though
There is a special election on Tuesday, January 23rd for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives 35th District. Don't forget to vote!,_2018#January_23.2C_2018
It's so annoying we have to do the job of the RNC for them
whens the next race?