Message from @FLanon

Discord ID: 410530007807557652

2018-02-06 20:10:02 UTC  

I agree, I think things are doing great

2018-02-06 20:10:05 UTC  

Meaning, if DACA falls through, it will be on the Democrats as people generally want to have Trump's immigration plan passed. Not to mention the shutdown we're probably getting in 2 days, which didn't work out whatsoever last time.

2018-02-06 20:10:29 UTC  

the majority of americans want immigration to stop

2018-02-06 20:11:26 UTC  

The only way I support a deal is if the "path to citizenship" is extremely rigid and takes a long time, but optically, this is completely sound.

2018-02-06 20:11:34 UTC  

the fact that the dems are willing to shut down the gov't just to keep the illegals around really makes it clear just who they're fighting for

2018-02-06 20:12:17 UTC  

They're fucked whatever they do. The base of the left riots if they so much as shake hands with Trump.

2018-02-06 20:12:47 UTC  

Happened with Pelosi's podium in September, happened with Schumer's apartment in the end of the last shutdown.

2018-02-06 20:13:05 UTC  

They just don't get pragmatism, and it's to our gain in these elections.

2018-02-06 20:14:06 UTC  

I think there's a possibility we can retake the generic ballot in the next few months if things go our way.

2018-02-06 20:15:18 UTC  

Tax bill popularity + the DACA situation + Memo investigations + maybe infrastructure = your Red Storm right there.

2018-02-06 20:15:32 UTC  


2018-02-06 20:15:44 UTC  

We should keep it up on our side too, make sure to inform the people wherever you can.

2018-02-06 20:15:53 UTC  

I hope those involved with the memo are wrangled and torn to bits for what they'd done

2018-02-06 20:16:05 UTC  

literal treason

2018-02-06 20:16:11 UTC  

if they get away with it, it's a major loss

2018-02-06 20:16:28 UTC  

Nunes has another memo coming

2018-02-06 20:16:38 UTC  

another one?

2018-02-06 20:17:53 UTC  

The IG report, sorry thought it was Nuned

2018-02-06 20:18:00 UTC  

nunes* ffs

2018-02-06 20:18:48 UTC  

But if Trump's smart, I think going after corrupt leftist/neocon politicians will absolutely bring his base to the polls.

2018-02-06 20:19:41 UTC  

If Hillary Clinton or fucking Obama goes to jail, that right there would be one of the biggest political events in modern history.

2018-02-06 20:20:13 UTC  

It makes watergate look like shoplifting

2018-02-06 20:20:37 UTC  

The midterms would definitely be affected by it

2018-02-06 20:20:42 UTC  

might be the spark heard round the world

2018-02-06 20:21:32 UTC  

Well, we've got some work to do until then, hopefully we can flip that generic ballot.

2018-02-06 20:21:53 UTC  

with alot of effort, we will

2018-02-06 20:22:15 UTC  

oh my god, if Hillary and Obama go to jail, I wonder what effect that would have on the midterms?

2018-02-06 20:22:25 UTC  

(obviously, it would have effects on so many other things as well)

2018-02-06 20:22:25 UTC  

it'd be amazing

2018-02-06 20:22:28 UTC  

Red hurricane

2018-02-06 20:22:29 UTC  

and probably terrifying

2018-02-06 20:22:33 UTC  

Styxhexenhammer666 thinks it would cause a civil war

2018-02-06 20:22:37 UTC  

now...I'm not so sure of that

2018-02-06 20:22:47 UTC  

I agree, though I havent watched styx

2018-02-06 20:22:56 UTC  

If the left are the aggressors I think it'd simmer down very quickly

2018-02-06 20:22:58 UTC  

I think a civil war can only happen with economic collapse

2018-02-06 20:23:06 UTC  

It's about optics, really.

2018-02-06 20:23:11 UTC  

it could happen if Trump gets removed unjustly

2018-02-06 20:23:31 UTC  

but if Hillary and Obama get legally prosecuted and imprisoned...the left will pull stunts, sure, but I don't expect civil war

2018-02-06 20:23:33 UTC  

I think its how far people are willing to bend for what they believe in

2018-02-06 20:23:42 UTC  

including in the economics area