Message from @FLanon

Discord ID: 410531787563991050

2018-02-06 20:24:01 UTC  

a viable civil war can only happen if the economy breaks down or if the right wing is the aggressor

2018-02-06 20:24:13 UTC  

if the left tries to start shit, it'll just be a mild insurrection that can be put down easily

2018-02-06 20:24:22 UTC  

for all intents and purposes, the left controls the nation

2018-02-06 20:24:23 UTC  

they're concentrated in the cities

2018-02-06 20:24:29 UTC  

there would be no need for them to start a war

2018-02-06 20:24:33 UTC  

most of them don't have guns

2018-02-06 20:24:37 UTC  

most of them are massive posturing pussies

2018-02-06 20:24:58 UTC  

An insurrection would be political suicide

2018-02-06 20:25:04 UTC  

also, an American Civil War in 2018 would not be states vs states

2018-02-06 20:25:08 UTC  

it would be asymettrical

2018-02-06 20:25:13 UTC  

it would be rural areas vs urban areas

2018-02-06 20:25:14 UTC  

We'd be a one party nation at that point

2018-02-06 20:25:19 UTC  

and demographic vs demographic

2018-02-06 20:25:29 UTC  

so within cities, you could have white working class people fighting minorities

2018-02-06 20:25:40 UTC  

you would probably have SJWs pussying out

2018-02-06 20:25:59 UTC  

tbh I'd probably pussy out too. I've never fired a gun

2018-02-06 20:26:15 UTC  

in such a scenario, I'd stay in my apartment in NYC and stock up on food

2018-02-06 20:26:15 UTC  

the 'we're a democracy' psyopp has been so effective at transforming our nation away from a republic that really, it would be only a matter of time for them to have won. Though I dont think they expected a blowback that we have created to happen, resulting in anomalies like trump

2018-02-06 20:26:26 UTC  

and wait for NYC to get 'liberated'

2018-02-06 20:26:30 UTC  

which should be too hard

2018-02-06 20:26:45 UTC  

I feel the most that would happen is that you have social media autistic screeching, a slightly more extreme trayvon-esque riot in most cities, but other than that, that can be contained.

2018-02-06 20:26:55 UTC  

now don't get me wrong, if I had to fight to defend myself, I'd do it the best I can

2018-02-06 20:26:59 UTC  

I think in the cities, you'd have people fleeing the minorities

2018-02-06 20:27:22 UTC  

We're not unstable enough to get a civil war over that kind of thing I don't feel.

2018-02-06 20:27:27 UTC  


2018-02-06 20:27:28 UTC  

the minorities are much more violent because many of them are a part of gangs or organized crime, while many whites are completely unarmed in these cities as well

2018-02-06 20:27:35 UTC  

I don't think Hillary and Obama going to jail will cause a civil war

2018-02-06 20:27:47 UTC  

yeah, but minorities in gangs can't do much

2018-02-06 20:27:50 UTC  

not organized enough

2018-02-06 20:27:52 UTC  

not well armed enough

2018-02-06 20:28:00 UTC  

I don't either, maybe a few attempts, but I think state polices can contain it

2018-02-06 20:28:05 UTC  

lmao if that happened, the crime rate post insurrection would be much lower

2018-02-06 20:28:08 UTC  

maybe not, but whites in cities are barely if ever armed

2018-02-06 20:28:12 UTC  

Plus, like I said, political suicide.

2018-02-06 20:28:29 UTC  

because most of the violent criminals in the USA would have been shot or imprisoned

2018-02-06 20:28:33 UTC  

It wouldn't be red storm it'd be red supervolcano eruption

2018-02-06 20:28:46 UTC  

yeah, we'd have GOP domination for at least a couple decades

2018-02-06 20:28:58 UTC  

enough to pass new amendments to the constitution

2018-02-06 20:29:10 UTC  

I think in that amount of time we could get back on track demographics wise

2018-02-06 20:29:13 UTC  

there'd be a chance it'd fall apart completely, and we'd just be left to face up against some other party, like the green party

2018-02-06 20:29:29 UTC  

The Dems would need to reform to even have a chance