Message from @Red Storm (in NYC)
Discord ID: 413411944939388930
Was it ever a double digit lead ?
not with this polling agency
This is very good news!
Trump's approval is up and R's are in the **lead** in the generic ballot,
that doesn't matter if Republican brainlet boomers don't go out to vote on special elections
I wonder how much of a difference it would make if Fox News and Rush Limbaugh devoted 3 minutes of time every show to get their listeners out to the polls for special elections
who you
new guy
new jersey
which district?
unsure .-.
literally know nothing about op redstorm, all i know is that dems are doing something to restrict the first two ammendments, so I want to know what they're doing and what I can do to help protect our liberty
by miterms you mean the midterm elections, right?
do you live up north?
NJ could be potentially important with the Menendez controversy and the such
yeah, Menendez might be vulnerable, so helping the GOP win the NJ senate race should be high on your priority @-MH- ghost
god....imagine how the left would react if they lost a blue state on the day they were supposed to have a 'blue wave'
your senator?
Bob Menendez is one of the Senators from New Jersey
he's up for reelection this year
@🎃Boo-ton🎃 no wonder we're losing these special election races
lmao stfu I'm young my dude, i don't have time to read news
As in under 18?
yes lmao
if so, focus more on online psy-ops
yeah ik
lol are you some black kid from Newark
no lmao
are you some hipster from Atlantic City?