Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 486402420683833345
@Soldz (CF) I believe there is a plethra of evidence concerning demons. Why do you ask?
Cause I know there is no god outside of the big bang
@Soldz (CF) I appreciate the inquiry, however we should move the convo to the debate portion
@Deleted User hello =)
@Citizen Z What is up mein?
Not much just working on server
How are you tonight
Doing well, just got done working a bit ago, GOD has seriously been downloading some understanding of some scriptures and I am stoked!
How about you, any downloads recently, lol?
Lol a few i think
Sweet, sometimes I can read a scripture seemingly like a million times and just not see or hear, and then one day GOD is like, here ya go
I love it when HE does that!
Yes agreed
Ive been reading a lot lately
That is fantastic mein! I still honestly have not read the entire Bible. There is so much to learn!
Ive read most of it as a kid. Trying to re read it all now that i have more time to study it
So many times I had wished I could have believed as a kid, consider you self blessed for sure! Truth is I don't think I was a legit born again believer until like seven years ago even though I was baptized in 2004.
Every one of us as believers have strengths and weaknesses. The areas where we find ourselves strong, we are exhorted to edify those of the brethen that struggle. The areas of which our weakness are exposed require transparency and honesty. Life offline can be a lonely path indeed! May we be reminded that we are not alone! There are brothers and sisters in this World enduring the pains and afflictions of standing for Truth in a land of lies! May we empathize with eachother and never consider ourselves more than another! I pray for all the believers to be encouraged, strengthened and united in JESUS CHRIST!
Blessings, an exhortation for the brethren to get stoked on the goodness of GOD! As believers, it is Faith that pleases GOD! Believing on JESUS and trusting in HIM to be our righteousness sets us free to Love GOD back for all HE has done and given us! We get to because Salvation is based on HIS goodness, not ours! Seeing the truth of this dark World can be disheartening and sometimes crushing, but we are here to share the way for the captives to be set free! Wherever you find yourself today, as a believer, be reminded that JESUS in you is the Strength and Courage you need to face the battle another day! Stay in CHRISTs Love, Mercy, and Fierceness! Be crazy blessed!
2nd Peter 2:6,7...
Jude 1:7
Genesis 13:13
Genesis 19:4
2nd peter 2:6 and Jude 1:7
2nd Thessalonians 1:8
Revelation 20:11-15
[2 Peter 2:6-7]
[Jude 1:7]
[Revelation 20:11-15]
[Genesis 13:13]