Message from @Soldz (CF)
Discord ID: 527291696183246849
😂 😂
Lol what are you doing soldz
Im in Christcord
And that person was contradicting himself
uhm why
are you
doing this
why isn't anyone doing anything about it?
it's what a 12 yo kid would do
well actual REAL guys are better anyway
so saying no to that it's easy
happy saturnalia
all of ur falt earth opinions are wrong
I don't think this is the channel for that hun
Narp, not the right channel for that.
This is the place to talk about my time in a christian school
Tell me about that
How did it make you feel
Well, I liked the teachers
That was about it
I wasn't a farmer or inbred so I didn't really fit in with the other kids
One year there was a choice to take either art history or an actual art class
I was the only dude in the art class
I mean who the fuck takes art history willingly?
Those kids were weird
I don't think I liked anyone
The school I go to is mostly females
So thats 🆒
I bet you're just knee deep in it.
Kek probably
Shit man was that the school that made me a cynical asshole?
I used to be a good christian boy