Message from @Dave - CA
Discord ID: 303051750342918145
As hand grenades
they're as reliable as they are ugly
I take that back
@Yuma County holy shit someone actually made a makeup one
Thanks based stickman
that just became a meme yesterday i feel
On a more serious note, I doubt they'd get firearms, and if they did, I doubt they'd be competent with them.
there was this old dude that lives across the street, really good guy, agrees with us, legitmately only owns bolt action 22's and a metric shit ton of hi-points with shitty edgy skull wraps on them
But I have a CC and everyone here should get theirs.
You 'avin a laff m8?
it's fucking disapointing to be honest
i swear to god im going to buy him a AR this christmas
it'd be chaos although I know some Marines who were pretty left leaning surprisingly
I imagine there's a few people sympathetic to their cause that know how a gun works, but most of these kids really don't seem very bright.
They think this is a fucking movie or something and act like they're revolutionaries.
Getting shot is no fun lol
I can only imagine.
I mean shot at
never been shot before, thank God
If they do start carrying firearms, it would probably be wise to invest in some armor.
I feel like them bringing firearms to a protest would eventually end with one of them getting nervous and NDing
absolutely, they really want to LARP being revolutionaries
@I'mGoingBerserk Please no you degenerate
peeps and ketchup
NDs scare the shit out of me, I had a guy ND next to me once
nearly shit myself lol
lol that is fukin embarrassing