Message from @John Rebuttal
Discord ID: 728415865447645205
@RalphFiennes hold my hand. trust me. no homo
@friz cocaine?
thats me n dale
Send fish pics
@Tzaboohaboo wanna go deep sea fishing
I mean you can use whatever excuse you want for yourself
Send giant fish pics
that shit is bad
vulkan boosts performance
alright based
its an engine booster or something
vulkan runs better on amd shit
i dont have amd
I went deep sea fishing last snapper season
but ill try it anyways
then it should run same as or slightly better
@John Rebuttal go back to coping about being taken over by the chinese retard
ur mom when bj
got lots of snapper and amberjack
@benjamin 6 it takes so fucking long to show the goddamn splash screen
@stupid here in the florida keys its always snapper season
@stupid thats epic lankey kong
do you know what a warsaw grouper is @RalphFiennes
woops wrong peron
my mom traumatized me on the boat we have now I hate boats
@friz the game is a memory game
@John Rebuttal you know what fuck you, I'm going to annoy you too now
always wanted to do tht
why would anyone let a woman drive a boat
ok enough attetntion to aen. i tried to help him. he can keep sperging. this is now a fish server
its just remembering where to put your special shit on every map
the bomb spawning is random