Message from @Nyan ⚜
Discord ID: 728445702878789652
St Michael ❤️
@TheLivingShitpost you mean Protestant denominations?
Angels are epic and based.
I was raised Catholic
Baptist for life
just don't be Protestant
Was reading earlier about them
Southern Baptist pride
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes
Every day I call upon the archangels to protect me.
Orthodox for LYFE
Protestantism is fake
And honestly minus the belief in a higher power I'm still Catholic lol
Imagine being proud of Protestantism
simple as
I am the white evangelical voter
I want to cut weight so there is less stress on my joints
muh sola fide
How can you be catholic without belief in a higher power? @TheLivingShitpost
muh sola scripturaaaaAA
imagine being proud of dividing Christianity and plunging Europe into religious war
I would think that's like the primary ingredient
I follow the Ten Commandments, try not to be degenerate, and generally follow its teachings
Catholics change the parts of the Bible the don’t like
Not that I succeed much in the degeneracy
Catholics worship the pope
But I try
Like with homosexuality
Not Christ
is God a child?
Sad times bro
Catholics are blind to the fact that they have very potent magic
We worship Christ and the pope guides us
Nope just a coomer
The pope is just a face
Their prayers work quite well as banishings