Message from @The18thDoctor
Discord ID: 506546199784849422
websites and twitter presence for waking people up
wake up, you been decieved
no u
Totally is
*No u
Did giants really exist?
Short answer: no
also no
they wouldnt have been able to support their own weight
i mean the tallest guy in modern history had to walk around for a cane for most of his life and then was bound to his wheel chair before he died
i mean it would of be possible to get abnormaly tall humans and they would probably look even taller at a time when every one was so short.
l m a o
Prime meridian was moved from Giza:
International Cartographic Association:
Vortex Maps:
Magnetic Declination Calculator:
The Chinese believed the Earth was flat until the 17th century when Jesuit missionaries arrived in China, were hired as astronomers at the imperial court and convinced the courts and scholars that it was a sphere.
Christopher Cullen, “Joseph Needham on Chinese Astronomy”, Past and Present, No. 87. (May, 1980), pp. 39–53 (42 & 49)
Christopher Cullen, "A Chinese Eratosthenes of the Flat Earth: A Study of a Fragment of Cosmology in Huai Nan Tzu 淮 南 子", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol. 39, No. 1 (1976), pp. 106–127 (107–109)
There are also Chinese records going back over 10,000 years, disproving the Young Earth Creationist narrative.
Oh sure there is
Why do you believe everything you see
So you're willing to choose one piece of evidence that supports your worldview but ignore another that contradicts it.
Hey dumbass when did i say i believed any of that bullshit
Sick of your bullshit
Everytime we post something you repeat the same bullshit
Im guessing that lad is banned?
No he left