Message from @Vent
Discord ID: 571929090320367621
@Soldz (CF) can you answer?
Check DMs @Vent
!mute @Wilford McWilliams You've been muted
<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> **Wilford McWilliams#9069** was muted
reason: You've been muted
>>voicekick 571155838287478784
<:vWarning:390208158699618306> **Wilford McWilliams**#9069 is not in a voice channel!
Alright boss
hee hee
!mute @Ya_Boi69 Trolling in VC
<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> **Ya_Boi69#3915** was muted
reason: Trolling in VC
>>voicekick 396184858113605633
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully voicekicked **Ya_Boi69**#3915
@Diggs No insults
Hold on
lol wat
@Vent DM me
I can't talk
I know
I'm not allowed to voice my opinion?
No I'm muted
@bird You need a cool down
big gae
take off eh
greasy hoser
<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @Diggs has been warned
reason: Bad word usage
can mr kyle speak
Will you be calm?
yes sir
You almost broke a rule
No trolling and reread <#484513575801454593>
Be good boy
it’s not trolling my man
@Vent No
Not everyone does