Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 549744728384471040
Can a man give birth?
Any direct evidence for that?
Otherwise it is just assumption.
Men can give birth
Also being stronger and proving the constructed idea of masculinity are very different things
@Madeline <3 men can give birth? This stuff right here is the problem
You want to redefine the word man. I see no reason to follow suit
Yeah that's kinda eh
How hard is it to Google the meaning of words? I guess it's easier to stay wrong and use the "fake" card 24/7 isn't it.
Sex: "either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions."
Gender: "either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female."
There is no "redefining" the words when they're straight from the definitions.
What sourc urban dictionary?
Either way, the only useful definition is the one based on biology
It also isn't as simple as binary, there are intersex people out there where their exact biological sex is ambiguous. Regarding gender, there are multiple possible gender identities. Altho masculine and feminine is the dominant binary, and is applied to the sexes.
Google the definitions. I admire your ability to pick and choose which facts are correct and which facts aren't, based on your beliefs.
Sex is biological. Gender is social. Hence, trans*gender*. You can redefine English words or decide they don't exist if you want.
Transgender is not a gender
I don't think they meant that, just that the term refers to something malleable.
But also, there is Transsexual
That's a sexual deviants preference
It being someone who changed their gender identity along with medical assistance to change some characteristics, a subset of transgender
Not a gender.
Gender is either Male or female.
This is not complicated
Nobody is arguing that transgender is a gender
Okay. That makes sense then.
Being transgender means that your identified gender is not the same as your assigned gender
That makes no sense
You cant just identify as something you are not
That would mean you have a disorder
Do you have real evidence for this or are these just your feelings?
Plenty of studies
Can I identify as a native American if I'm not?
Can I identify as a war veteran if I'm not?
The problem here is entirely a semantic one
The problem is people encouraging destructive behavior
I, like people who support the idea of being transgender, define gender in a more commonly accepted definition of being more social and mental
Trying to identify as a different gender is destructive