Message from @tha cheeseburger
Discord ID: 550001952587644929
America sounds like a shit place rn, u don't even have free health care
Whats going on here
Anyone want to debate on something else
Debating capital punishments
Sure what?
What religion u have
I'm a Mormon
i don't believe in religion
I'm against religion
hell yeah
tbh i dont really care
I am Jewish ethnically
Religion is harmful
But atheist
Are you a flat earther as your name implies?
He's not
I think
I'm not
I used it to debate abt the topic
Btw I have not lost a debate yet on this server
Pretty much every flatearther can't debate
On the lounge
Anyone want to debate anything, religion, shape of the earth, vaccines, 5g, ect
Not rn
Anyone want to debate
Whoever is saying buoyancy and density causes things to fall, stop.
It's an effect of things falling, not the cause.
Y do u have to explain this
Because in schools they teach you the melting temperature of unsaturated fats and how to make oragami DNA using crayons and paper in high school.
Interesting question: If I could give you the exact date and time of your death, would you be interested to know?
Also @AstralSentient knowing the exact date and time would undoubtedly change it so
Or would it?
Will I get banned?
Yes it would