Message from @Nibba
Discord ID: 555475576039800833
That's kinda
@everyone flatties wanna discuss flat earth?
Focus on the guard rails
fotbal fields are curved so the water will fall off
Without being in the sky, it is impossible to see the curvature of the Earth. However, you can always see a demonstration of this if you visit a harbor or any place with a wide-open view of the water.
If you are able to watch a ship sail off to sea, watch its mast and flag as it fades off into the distance. You will notice that, in fact, it does not "fade off into the distance" at all; instead, you will see its mast and flag appear to slowly sink. The ship sailed beyond the point at which you would see it. Just to be sure, bring a pair of binoculars with you so that you can see even farther off into the distance.
It's as if you're watching it go over to the other side of a hill. This phenomenon can only be explained by a sphere-shaped planet.
Im gonna leave this here
@Blindfire27 so you are saying water needs a container or it will run off?
Earth isn't flat mates
i am saying that water will float to the lowest parts. that is why we got oceans and lakes. and the reason why a fotballfield is curved is that the water needs to get of the field. that is why you get the ilusion of a round earth when waching sombody at a field when lying down.
Bro go to the moon and look at earth its round
i aint saing earth isnt round
i will be a pilot, and fly to australia to confirm itsexistance
Yo, it's ya' boi, extra chromosome
@kev how did people evolve to have qualia and spiritual existence? Like how did that end up being a thing? It seems to serve no purpose other than to cause religious debate lmao
@April its escapism thats why people do it bc they have problems and have to escape which is a bad thing bc in the end it sovles nothing
I'm not seeing the connection with escapism
People feel bad and revert to a spirtual reality
people who have and people who lack the traits I mention both use escapism as a means of coping with existence
so it doesn't differ in that regard
and in general it doesn't seem to effect most peoples' religiosity or lack of
though for those who seek and try to figure out the truth will naturally differ due to having or lacking the traits
it just seems like an odd thing to randomly pop up in some humans
serves literally no function other than to baffle
and yet it's such a fundamentally different manner of existence, that seemingly came about randomly through evolution?
while I don't doubt the science behind evolution, I'm gonna call BS to using it as an explanation for this
Why do you guys believe the earth is flat?
Where’s the evidence?
We all believe the earth is round just saying
Some believe it’s also flat
Ok, but why do they believe that?
Do you know?