Message from @jeremy

Discord ID: 574749568722403345

2019-05-05 23:50:15 UTC  

its like pulling teeth with u sometimes lol

2019-05-05 23:50:18 UTC  

My drawing proves otherwise, I show an observer looking up the farther the ground extends out while it remains below their feet

2019-05-05 23:50:29 UTC  

Perspective, simple,

2019-05-05 23:50:48 UTC  

whoa ur saying our observation of the water going above our feet to meet our eyeline is correct and matches what is really h apenning ?

2019-05-05 23:51:32 UTC  

Yes, because of angles relative to the observer. Pay close attention to my above image.
So your point isn't really going to stand.

2019-05-05 23:51:33 UTC  

<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @Vorka has been warned
reason: Bad word usage

2019-05-05 23:52:05 UTC  

the earth is a dinosaur

2019-05-05 23:55:36 UTC  

so ur saying we observe the ocean rising to our eyeline but the water isnt really going to our eyeline but the observation matches reality your contradicting yourself

2019-05-05 23:58:21 UTC  

what ur saying doesnt make sense

2019-05-05 23:58:23 UTC  

to me

2019-05-05 23:59:57 UTC  

Of course the observation matches reality, like my image depicts. The lines going from the stick person are the line of sight. At farther distances, the lines of sight move up in order to touch the ground further away, so they have to look up further to see the more distant ground. That means an observer will see the ground visually appear to rise. It reflects physical reality.

2019-05-06 00:01:26 UTC  

It is basic fact of visualizing 3D space, perspective

2019-05-06 00:03:36 UTC  


2019-05-06 00:05:17 UTC  

we observe the water higher than our feet at our eyeline ur saying in reality the water is higher than our feet at our eyeline

2019-05-06 00:06:01 UTC  

their is only 2 options here the water is or isnt higher than our feet

2019-05-06 00:06:44 UTC  

i know why ur dancing around this but im done

2019-05-06 00:08:15 UTC  

!mute @Vorka

2019-05-06 00:08:15 UTC  

<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> **Vorka#4113** was muted
reason: Unspecified

2019-05-06 00:08:52 UTC  

citizen when we observe the water at the ocean going above our feet up to our eyeline does that observation match reality

2019-05-06 00:09:18 UTC  

is the water really going up higher than our feet when we look out

2019-05-06 00:09:35 UTC  

of course not so would u say that observation matches reality

2019-05-06 00:10:48 UTC  

good point

2019-05-06 00:11:35 UTC  

so right off the rip before we start talking about boats or distant skylines our first observation when we look out to sea doesnt match reality

2019-05-06 00:11:56 UTC  

they cherry pick what is real and what is an illusion when it comes to looking out to sea

2019-05-06 00:12:42 UTC  

we see too far its an illusion we see a boat go over the curve reality this guys trying to tell me the observation of us seeing the water go higher than our feet up to our eyeline is reality

2019-05-06 00:23:47 UTC  

I literally proved how it is possible and a necessary consequence in physical reality.
I guess you are going to ignore it...

2019-05-06 00:23:48 UTC  

u can try to muddy the waters but the simple fact is the observation doesnt match reality

2019-05-06 00:24:16 UTC  

all u did was explain why our observation doesnt match reality

2019-05-06 00:25:04 UTC  

I proved exactly that it reflects physical reality and you had no comment on it.

2019-05-06 00:25:27 UTC  

so the water is getting higher than our feet up to our eyeline cause that is what we observe

2019-05-06 00:26:17 UTC  

its ok i know why u would dance around this being a globe defender

2019-05-06 00:26:30 UTC  

i would do the same thing if i was on ur side

2019-05-06 00:26:47 UTC  

Well, we look over our feet to see out in the distance, so yes

2019-05-06 00:27:14 UTC  

so in reality the water is above our feet as high as our eyeline

2019-05-06 00:27:21 UTC  


2019-05-06 00:29:03 UTC  

You refuse to see how it works I see. Here it is again.
We look over our feet to see the ground. Farther away, angle of view changes, you have to look further up.
The ground visually ramping up must happen in 3D space, perspective

2019-05-06 00:29:53 UTC  

so what we see is incorrect due to perspective i know

2019-05-06 00:29:59 UTC  

i know how it works

2019-05-06 00:30:03 UTC  

the more those lines flatten out the less distance you can see due to angular resolution

2019-05-06 00:30:15 UTC  

see the last line

2019-05-06 00:30:22 UTC  

it blends together with the ground