Message from @jeremy

Discord ID: 575140198396985355

2019-05-07 01:27:35 UTC  

We cant comprehend whats that like

2019-05-07 01:27:49 UTC  

We only know there is rules

2019-05-07 01:27:59 UTC  

We cant break

2019-05-07 01:28:03 UTC  

u into the fibonacci sequence ?

2019-05-07 01:28:16 UTC  

No..dont know of it really

2019-05-07 01:28:32 UTC  

they say its gods blueprint to life

2019-05-07 01:28:43 UTC  

its why 4 leaf clovers are rare

2019-05-07 01:28:47 UTC  

4 isnt a fibonacci number

2019-05-07 01:28:50 UTC  

Ive heard of it but dont know anything bout it

2019-05-07 01:29:26 UTC  

its interesting geometrically it forms the shape of snails and dna and sunflower seeds

2019-05-07 01:29:38 UTC  

a spiral

2019-05-07 01:30:09 UTC  

it goes 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ... u keep adding the last 2 numbers

2019-05-07 01:31:52 UTC  

I see

2019-05-07 01:32:06 UTC  

Here is a quote from a debate i watched once

2019-05-07 01:32:33 UTC  

Forgot where the debate video is

2019-05-07 01:32:37 UTC  

The God of the bible is not effec ted by time, space or matter. If He is effected by time, space or matter, He is not God. Time space and matter is what we call a continuum, they all came into existence at the same instance. Because if there were matter with no space, were would you put it? If there were matter and space but no time, when would you put it? You cannot have time, space or matter independently, the have to come into existence simultaneous. The bible answers that in 10 words.

In the beginning (time) God created the Heaven (space) and the Earth (matter)

So you have time, space and matter created the trinities of trinities there just as
TIme is past, present and future.
Space is length, width and height.
Matter has solid, liquid and gas.

You have the trinity of trinities created instantaneously and the God who created them has to be outside of them. If He is limited by time, He is not God. The God who created this computer, is not in the computer. He is not running around in there changing the numbers on the screen. The God who created this universe is outside of the universe. He is above it, beyond it, through it. He Is unaffected by it.

So for the concept that a spiritual force cannot have any effect on a material body, well then I guess you would have to explain to me things like emotions and love and hatred sbf envy and jealousy and rationality. If you brain is just a random collection of chemicals that formed by chance over billions of years, how on Earth can you trust your own reasoning process and thoughts that you think?

So the question, where did God come from, is assuming a limited God.

And that's your problem.

The God that I worship is not limited by time, space or matter.

If I could fit the infinite God in my three pound brain, He would not be worth worshipping, that's for certain. So that's the God that I worship.

2019-05-07 01:51:22 UTC  

<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @theycallmejarett has been warned
reason: Duplicated text

2019-05-07 01:52:05 UTC  

<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @theycallmejarett has been warned
reason: Duplicated text

2019-05-07 01:53:12 UTC  

<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @theycallmejarett has been warned
reason: Duplicated text

2019-05-07 01:56:17 UTC  

That was deep

2019-05-07 02:01:48 UTC  

So we could be in a computer simulation and your god is controlling the program ?

2019-05-07 02:03:25 UTC  

Or we could be in a Petri dish in a lab with a scientist and ur god is he scientist ?

2019-05-07 02:12:17 UTC  

The best scientist

2019-05-07 03:09:26 UTC  

hey guys

2019-05-07 03:09:30 UTC  

how are u

2019-05-07 03:09:36 UTC  

the earth is a sphere

2019-05-07 03:09:40 UTC  

in my opinion

2019-05-07 03:09:45 UTC  


2019-05-07 03:10:04 UTC  

Can someone explain why you think the earth is flat?

2019-05-07 03:10:10 UTC  


2019-05-07 03:10:16 UTC  

dont be rude here

2019-05-07 03:10:21 UTC  

just be civil

2019-05-07 03:10:23 UTC

2019-05-07 03:10:26 UTC  

or ull be muted

2019-05-07 03:10:31 UTC  

it was a genuine question

2019-05-07 03:10:33 UTC  

like all of them

2019-05-07 03:10:43 UTC  

im just warning you

2019-05-07 03:10:58 UTC  


2019-05-07 03:11:20 UTC  

so do you believe the earth is flat?

2019-05-07 03:11:24 UTC  


2019-05-07 03:11:52 UTC  

im scared to debate cause soome people mute people