Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 543618703229452298
no round normal pizza
thats a pizza that expklains the ball
the ball is wrong
nah, just as delicious
its a pizza that can be cut into slices
that can be cut into slices
not easily
pretty easily
just think of cutting an onion
Bruh, why can't I send images?
New ppl must earn that permission
That's a good example I believe
*looks at norway*
*looks at yarway*
the state literally controls certain industries
And what does America do
If you start your own company you want me to come run it for you?
America is a capitalist republic
Not socialist
yeah, there are no state owned or highly regulated/basically controlled by the government companies
Satan will love it when the government take the money
o yeah, the government totally doesnt do that
They steal money
And waste it
For redistribution to bums
how dare they use it to educate people, and make regulations so our society can function. those fuckers
They dont
The give it to bums
Ever heard of student debt