Message from @BigGulp
Discord ID: 303219182705836032
turkey referendum is close
Commies deny any property rights exist>>Commies can't claim self ownership>>AnCaps can claim anything unowned that they can defend>>Ancaps can own commies
thats real logic
Hey y'all. Today Jesus BTFO the JEWS! This kike reminds me of a few professors I had in college. Makes me cringe.
commies currency consist of bread rations
>unironically being ancap
@pay to free - VA Give me a link to that test.
what's up losers
Im making another highlight video of yesterday
im setting it to dnb because i still live in 2009
this is mine
this test isn't too good
t b h
>all of you score low on christian fundmentalism
utter heresy
christianity is for the bluepilled masses
us thinkers don't need it
tfw christianity is the final redpill
>bluepilled masses
except most people do not follow the scripture
>tips fedora
tfw was atheistic, but became relgious after going through years of biology class in university
stobb linking this test ;dDDD
link test?
oh nevermind
Isn't alt-right an umbrella term
the first mention of it was from hillary's mouth
its just an umbrella term for the conservative youth movements of like