Message from @^Kevin^

Discord ID: 493716468022902786

2018-09-24 09:29:19 UTC  

Before Christ would before his birth

2018-09-24 09:29:33 UTC  

you see, you have BC, then AD, after death, with 35 year gap where they didn't keep track of diddly

2018-09-24 09:29:49 UTC  

everything in history was erased, cause they wanted to erase his existance completely

2018-09-24 09:29:51 UTC  

Kevin is right on this one

2018-09-24 09:29:51 UTC  

yeah because that would be stupid, and we dont

2018-09-24 09:30:06 UTC  

I think. I'm not 100% sure what we're debating

2018-09-24 09:30:42 UTC  

Kevin, that doesnt even work because we have records from that period. that dont use AD and BC so we can easily date them, even if there is this gap

2018-09-24 09:30:53 UTC  

there is only this "gap" in AD and BC

2018-09-24 09:31:01 UTC  

500 years later they martyred him because they saw it the only way to maintain some power in a religious context and still further their agenda

2018-09-24 09:31:46 UTC  

well, whose to say exactly what happened in the past

2018-09-24 09:32:00 UTC  

the closest thing we have to the truth about the past is the bible

2018-09-24 09:32:09 UTC  

pfff hahahaha

2018-09-24 09:32:11 UTC  


2018-09-24 09:32:12 UTC  

at least the old testament

2018-09-24 09:32:17 UTC  

new testament is garbage

2018-09-24 09:32:19 UTC  

damn that is some funny ass shit

2018-09-24 09:32:22 UTC  


2018-09-24 09:32:32 UTC  

what is your opinion on like, homosexuality, etc?

2018-09-24 09:32:39 UTC  

Not sure if I asked you that already

2018-09-24 09:32:52 UTC  

but it's interesting to ask

2018-09-24 09:32:58 UTC  

new testament is a method to turn people who are sheep to follow the wrong leader

2018-09-24 09:33:22 UTC  

Kevin, let me ask you something. Did the Exodus happen like it said in the bible?

2018-09-24 09:33:36 UTC  

LGBTQRTZ is a way to slowly methodically lower people's morals

2018-09-24 09:33:56 UTC  

Would you want anything to happen about it?

2018-09-24 09:34:00 UTC  

soon we will be legalizing beastaility and necrophilia

2018-09-24 09:34:13 UTC  

go back to standard morals

2018-09-24 09:34:13 UTC  

slippery slope fallacy

2018-09-24 09:34:20 UTC  

slippery slope reality

2018-09-24 09:34:22 UTC  

Kevin, how did the Exodus happen?

2018-09-24 09:34:23 UTC  

no death penalty then? 😂

2018-09-24 09:34:45 UTC  

was exodus in the old testament?

2018-09-24 09:34:57 UTC  


2018-09-24 09:35:01 UTC  


2018-09-24 09:35:08 UTC  

not sure, I don't read the bible

2018-09-24 09:35:18 UTC  

don't know what it says

2018-09-24 09:35:26 UTC  

you wnat me to do some research on it?

2018-09-24 09:35:34 UTC  


2018-09-24 09:35:38 UTC  

if you dont mind

2018-09-24 09:36:04 UTC  

starts off with a bunch of names

2018-09-24 09:36:13 UTC

2018-09-24 09:36:39 UTC  

i know what Exodus says