Message from @Sam Kipling

Discord ID: 720091481678938173

2020-06-09 04:43:54 UTC  


2020-06-09 05:20:56 UTC  

chad aussie

2020-06-09 05:20:56 UTC  

GG @Ronald Wilson Reagan, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 1 !

2020-06-09 05:21:01 UTC  

I feel bad for your country

2020-06-09 14:04:56 UTC  

This is the main mainstream Australia media channel go figure

2020-06-09 14:05:09 UTC  

As do I yours

2020-06-09 14:08:25 UTC  


2020-06-09 14:22:50 UTC  

Aussies know the truf! Terrorism!

2020-06-09 19:59:37 UTC  

Nick can’t say that he is even skeptical because questioning it in the slightest is AnTi SeMitIsm and then he’s an eeeeevil white nationalist

2020-06-09 20:01:56 UTC  

The general public are just sheep, they gobble up whatever manufactured controversy is shoved in their faces and repeat after the talking heads on TV

2020-06-09 20:01:56 UTC  

GG @JohnDiaz78, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 1 !

2020-06-09 20:03:11 UTC  

Mass outrage because a man on meth fentanyl and cocaine resisted arrest and was restrained and ended up dying

2020-06-09 20:03:33 UTC  


2020-06-09 21:41:02 UTC

2020-06-09 21:42:09 UTC  

Democrats embracing cultural appropriation

are those scarves supposed to be african


2020-06-10 00:59:59 UTC  

Yeah they are called kente and are specifically from Ghana. Partisan issues aside it is inappropriate and strange that they would wear them and people are calling it out on both sides of the aisle on twitter. It seems like another you aint black moment on behalf of the Democrats.

2020-06-10 01:46:27 UTC  

Alright guys I need some opinions. What do you guys think of Democracy as we have it, constitutional republic whatever you want to call it. Dou you guys think a Monarchichal or Fascist state would benefit the people more than the way it is.

2020-06-10 01:51:02 UTC  

Imo I think we need to maintain a constitutional republic but with some drastic changes in culture if that’s even at all possible

2020-06-10 01:51:41 UTC  

As I touched on before a monarch would be ideal but I am not dogmatic about it and believe we are far from being worthy of such a state of affairs in the first place.

2020-06-10 01:53:13 UTC  

@Sam Kipling The system of government that we had established depended upon a self disciplined, and morally up right populace to maintain it. Now that that america is basically a degenerate shithole incapable of maintaining a just society I do believe that we need to move towards being more authoritarian.

2020-06-10 02:03:48 UTC  

As Ben Franklin once said, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters"

2020-06-10 02:06:10 UTC  

I’d agree with @Nwordthoughts on that one I’d say keep our current system but become more authoritarian if that’s possible which I do think it is. I believe our system of governance works and despite our current perils I do believe we have many examples that show it does indeed work. However the point he brings up is very valid and determines where this system WILL take us IF the populace is NOT maintaining the current system and being morally virtuous etc and upholding our core values and beliefs. Currently the rule of law (which has been eroded and chipped away for years) is the most recent intensive onslaught we are facing amongst other things including what it means to be “white” (ie our culture, history, etc) while simultaneously trying to tear down a system that largely has worked for much of its existence (and worked for the benefit of people like us to an extent) but that is no longer the case and has been slowly changing in front of our eyes for decades. Just now is it starting to really ramp up in terms of the rhetoric and the speed of which this country is being eroded from the inside out.

2020-06-10 02:06:51 UTC  

Any other attempt at a new system would require nothing short of total revolution and civil war. At which point we will have absolute chaos

2020-06-10 02:07:57 UTC  

@teebird38 agreed

2020-06-10 02:14:45 UTC  

If we get a return to old school conservatism of like the 70s and 80s and re capture that as the main culture of the Republican Party we may be alright. But that is easier said than done as even democrat policies and rhetoric of the 90s and early 2000s for example are now considered racist. The people are far too spineless to openly hold any of these beliefs and the current Republicans obviously at this point consider it career suicide. In order to re capture that lost conservatism of yesterday your going to have to hit HARD with reverse manipulation. We’re going to have to break the conditioning of calling everything racist and being afraid to say something along the lines of “blacks commit more crimes”. Start off slow like that and re gain the power to say things which may be “controversial” BUT ARE 100 PERCENT TRUE. We must not let them hold the power and allow them to dictate what is and what isn’t racist. Especially logical and arguably true statements such as the one I gave.

2020-06-10 02:16:08 UTC  

We must fight this mob wherever and whenever we can.

I honestly see democracy is giving power to the elites and corporations who do not know the true needs of a nation. Other than that, the idea of democracy is flawed, and the U.S has a system that's literally democracy with more steps. The average citizen has no clue on what needs to happen in their country.

I think democracy is something that should only be local/provincial.

2020-06-10 05:54:07 UTC  

Democracy is becoming more and more a dictatorship of the media.

The average citizen only knows the problems of their community and representatives in a parliament/legislature can be useful.

Yes, exactly. Democracy is a dictatorship of the media and of idiots.

2020-06-12 14:18:59 UTC  

This whole Saturn black cube satan worship is such a rabbit hole

2020-06-15 01:16:56 UTC  


2020-06-15 08:34:10 UTC  

Retard check✅

2020-06-15 20:19:16 UTC  

GG @teebird38, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 9 !