Message from @zoomerking17πŸ’Š

Discord ID: 718186716149842081

2020-06-04 19:21:08 UTC  

idk it was just inner city african kids thats all i know

2020-06-04 19:21:55 UTC  

its kinda funny

2020-06-04 19:24:15 UTC  

yh I mean a condom full of piss is extreme, but I knew teachers who were at my school who came from outside of london, typically these young, yuppie white liberals (unno what I'm talking about) who on the first days looked so HAPPY😊😊😊😊 that they were finally talking to minorities and then literally on the 1st week they looked borderline suicide so jokesssss

2020-06-04 19:24:44 UTC  


2020-06-04 19:24:45 UTC  

hahah lmao

2020-06-04 19:24:49 UTC  

we need more of this

2020-06-04 19:25:13 UTC  

I am semi sympathetic to these teachers, however they asked for it and hopefully now they develop a racial consciousness and understand that minorities DONT LIKE YOU especially the kids

2020-06-04 19:25:40 UTC  

exactly dude

2020-06-04 19:29:18 UTC  

Yh well 4 me, quick life story - I live in london but was born in north africa and I was raised by 2 VERY BASED PARENTS who knew not to keep me in african education lmaoo so πŸ›¬πŸ›¬πŸ›¬πŸ›¬πŸ›¬ back to england I went to get an education, assimilated very well with the culture, people and nation as a whole because my parents actually talk me the customs, values and beliefs that the U.K traditionally upholds and yeah it's been up heel from there

2020-06-04 19:32:00 UTC  

Oh yeah & in most of my classes I was the only white boy so I was mixed with a shit ton of ppl including Somalis, Pakistanis Indians, jamaicans, ghanaians, Romanians & bulgarians so I'm pretty knowledgable of how all the different people in the woNdeRfUl DiVeRsE mElTiNg and I can tell you.. it's complete chaos

2020-06-04 19:32:35 UTC  

Melting pot* its soo true what nick says about tribes

i did some research and i found out that systemic racism doesn't really exist in the US

2020-06-04 19:33:05 UTC  


2020-06-04 19:33:22 UTC  

It really doesn’t exist

2020-06-04 19:35:22 UTC  

You have literally ever multi-national corporation, company, industry supporting them alongside all the cucked white c.e.o's, owners & executive leaders and not to mention all of hollywood & the entertainment industry intertwined with the e-celebs on the internet

2020-06-04 19:36:00 UTC  

A couple based celebs like mike tyson is literally there enemy

2020-06-04 19:36:11 UTC  

But he deleted his tweet so yh f

2020-06-04 19:36:18 UTC  

Plus we had a black guy in office twice plus hordes of other black people in public office

2020-06-04 19:36:26 UTC  

Fuck I mean Baltimore is an entirely black run city

2020-06-04 19:36:32 UTC  

Real racist country

2020-06-04 19:37:36 UTC  

I think all minorities subconsciously are all the real racists

2020-06-04 19:37:45 UTC  

black african immigrants in the UK cause chaos and i can tell you that as an absolute fact, they accelerate crime in working class neighbourhoods and build more tension and increase crime in 2nd generation immigrants and white criminals

2020-06-04 19:38:21 UTC  

from any point of view its stupid to even think about allowing immigration from these countries

2020-06-04 19:38:34 UTC  

& whites jus facilitate and permeate their racist rhetoric becuas they cucked and have no racial allegiance

2020-06-04 19:39:30 UTC  

exactly dude, we are brainwashed into thinking that blacks asserting racial dominance is just in response to our racism, WHAT RACISM LMAO

2020-06-04 19:39:31 UTC  

@Smok where u from?

2020-06-04 19:40:19 UTC  

@zoomerking17πŸ’Š im a multinational citezin (i know its cringe) i live in Richmond VA (USA) and Northern Ireland (UK)

2020-06-04 19:41:30 UTC  

@Smok yeah but they dont say racial dominance even though it clearly is, it is blacks jus wanting to hAve An EQuAl pLayInG FiElD like really?

2020-06-04 19:41:30 UTC  

GG @zoomerking17πŸ’Š, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 4 !

2020-06-04 19:41:35 UTC  

Nice not too far from VA

2020-06-04 19:41:43 UTC  


2020-06-04 19:41:56 UTC  


2020-06-04 19:42:39 UTC  

Oh yeah & I stayed away from twitter today, feeling pretty good

2020-06-04 19:42:48 UTC  

> @Smok yeah but they dont say racial dominance even though it clearly is, it is blacks jus wanting to hAve An EQuAl pLayInG FiElD like really?
@zoomerking17πŸ’Š yeah, not like there needs to be an actual reform in your race or anything lmao

2020-06-04 19:43:06 UTC  

loading up twitter is like cocking a shotgun

2020-06-04 19:43:24 UTC  

Especially when you glance at the trending page😳😳😳

2020-06-04 19:43:45 UTC  

Whites are not the only ones who are cucking to the narrative. Technology and academia are making every retard accept the institutional racism theory

2020-06-04 19:43:45 UTC  

GG @Looxmaxing, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 1 !

2020-06-04 19:44:05 UTC  

trendy cool racial diversity and acceptence 😎 so cool

2020-06-04 19:44:28 UTC  

What's with the guilt seriously? I dont want to feel bad about my European ancestry

2020-06-04 19:44:50 UTC  

@Looxmaxing yeah 100%, thats why people are so righteous about it