Message from @j58412
Discord ID: 718426936493473842
Boyos get ready because it’s going to be a loooong summer and once we near the election shit is going to hit the fan
Voting in Trump is basically like the most pyric victory possible... This guy is a complete loser in terms of white interests / any form of basic fairness...
Yeah I personally think the economic situation is going to cause collapse in the next 3-5 years and they're just using this to mitigate it as a distraction cover
I'm hoping things will collapse, minimally, bc then we can build something very different...
He's going to inherit an international financial credit collapse so meh
My dad is a big Trumpist follows everything, he's cool though
Tells me whenever McCabe is doing something, I dont even know who he is
Voting in trump is just keeping things stagnant relatively speaking
Your not winning but your not losing either ( that’s debatable to a point)
It just prolongs the inevitable when in four more years what the fuck do we do then
We’re totally fucked if we don’t get a scot Greer or someone like that in
I told this socialist leaning discord that blacks aren't discriminated against because they commit 3¼ times the violent crimes and get shot 3 times as much because police are scared to go in black neighborhoods and stuff got wild
If the boot fits.
I actually did the math myself and got those numbers via FBI 2016 data.
I’ve been raiding antifa discord’s do everything you can to infiltrate these people you really gotta act like a leftist
Because some of them VET hard
It’s you’re not your @teebird38
who cares im on a phone
@danielmm<80105>* unfortunately these people are well beyond stats and data...
Saw one comment today "unsubbed for saying all lives matter."
At this point i believe 90% of them would laugh and celebrate a white person being killed, for real.
The quicker we realise that the better... But i genuinely think its pointless sharing data with white libs / blacks etc. Only people who are kinda right leaning already.
GG @j58412, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 2 !
Good link to all stats
White women are a very dangerous demographic seriously
wtf am i even looking at dude
its embarrassment for being white
I know a couple girls doing this irl aswell smh
Wasnt that started as a joke by our side? Like a psyche op
Oh yea it says that lol
Yeah that's what's even worse lmao
i just saw the original post
hopefully this teaches them they are retarded
Lol yeah saw that yesterday
We should have voice chat meetings when we can to talk about some of this stuff
Another right wing server I'm on has vc meetings every night its great
Lets do it
They changed 16th street in DC to black lives matter plaza lmao