Message from @Ascend

Discord ID: 719248709400920074

2020-06-07 15:34:58 UTC  

But like every other institution has pretty much been hijacked

2020-06-07 16:23:38 UTC  

Hey @Burrito, welcome to the groyper army!

2020-06-07 16:40:26 UTC  

Hey @BigAnimeTitties, welcome to the groyper army!

2020-06-07 16:42:55 UTC  

**BigAnimeTitties#4732** just left the server

2020-06-07 17:32:13 UTC

2020-06-07 17:32:36 UTC  

This is the what will happen when whites are the majority in the whole of the u.s

2020-06-07 17:34:28 UTC  

Look at the black police officer jus egging her own like wtf ur apart of the police and supporting this????!?! These ppl literally want to defund the workforce that you're apart of you dummy

2020-06-07 17:35:29 UTC  

I cant wait till monday 4 AF, it's my only sanity at this point.

2020-06-07 17:40:55 UTC  

This is just my opinion but I think we should start looking at going towards a white ethnostate

2020-06-07 17:56:05 UTC  

@gayretard6969 lmao the trump docs supposedly leaked by anonymous were alr released to the public & were just old documents

2020-06-07 17:56:28 UTC  

Yoooloo WTF

2020-06-07 17:56:37 UTC  


2020-06-07 17:56:42 UTC  


2020-06-07 17:56:50 UTC  

Wow unbelievable

2020-06-07 17:56:56 UTC  

You give an inch they will take a mile

2020-06-07 17:57:12 UTC  

can you believe 10 years ago gay marriage was a debatable topic

2020-06-07 17:57:12 UTC  

GG @Ascend, you just advanced to level <:ezgif179e8c5c31011:712107431416561750> 1 !

2020-06-07 17:57:17 UTC  

The amount psychological brainwashing to achieve this is staggering

2020-06-07 17:57:21 UTC  

now look how progressive society is

2020-06-07 17:57:35 UTC  

we have fucked our country over in such a short period of time

2020-06-07 17:57:40 UTC  

& i’m super blackpilled

2020-06-07 18:00:31 UTC  

I’m white pilled to an extent with this because there is a large silent majority that is sick of this shit but that’s the whole problem. They are SILENT. The only time they are truly loud is when they hit the voting booths and what then? That just prolongs the inevitable in some ways as both parties no longer hold the interests of the people in mind. If this attempted cultural revolution is allowed to happen so greatly under Trump, imagine if we get some milk toast republican in there or another Obama type. This country will be gone even more so then it is now.

2020-06-07 18:02:46 UTC  

What’s so funny is that they want to defund and disband the police in these areas. You know what? Go for it because as Vincent James pointed out while looking at the facts and statistics objectively the amount of violent crime between African Americans will reach levels weve never seen and they will just kill themselves at an even more alarming rate. While the suburbs and country side will continue to be peaceful with police departments that are mostly fully supported by the people living in these communities.

2020-06-07 18:12:47 UTC  

Absolutely disgusting, and until we get old school Mayors like Rudy Giuliani or Frank Rizzo, plus old school commissioners etc this will continue and become normalized. Right now they are normalizing all of this and desensitizing the masses to it. Like I said the amount of psychological manipulation that has occurred in the last two weeks is frightening.

2020-06-07 18:55:13 UTC  

It's crazy how much psychological conditioning has accelerated. Stephen colbert, one of the biggest late night show hosts said that it will be "great" (when) white americans will be the serious you can not make this up -- THEY BE SAYING IT DIRECTLY TO US, BECAUSE THESE PPL KNOW THE WHITE RACIAL CONSCIOUSNESS IS ZZZZZZZ

2020-06-07 18:58:13 UTC  

Why does he only say this about white western countries? Why doesnt he criticise the Japaneses' homogenous demographic?? Why is their such an invested effort to destroy white christian people?!!?
These people are nothing more than pedophilic, globalisitic, power seeking, world nation adoring degenerate demonic scum.

2020-06-07 19:01:24 UTC  

Fuck being called a racist, sexist, anti-semitic, phobic whatever.
We need to stop living under the culture's labels. Those labels have been contrived to put us in a mental prism, to not question these sick ppl & their plans on merging us with everyone.. creating a whole monolithic race, gender, creed & lifestyle.

2020-06-07 19:02:43 UTC  

Hol up

2020-06-07 19:02:50 UTC  

What’s the rainbow don’t tread on me

2020-06-07 19:03:03 UTC  

Is that us taking back the rainbow

2020-06-07 19:18:25 UTC  

The quicker you realise you live in an explicitly anti white society - one getting worse each year the better.

Chinese hate black ppl not all but many πŸ˜† a lot of chinese dont like any race

2020-06-07 19:19:37 UTC  

The sooner you drop this liberal notion that society really cares for us, our people etc. and is not driven by the interests of a few jewish billionaires / anarchists / communists / third worlders.

Bro the chinese japanese and other countries dont like any other races but theres but were the racists? Right on!

Thas rite


2020-06-07 19:20:26 UTC  

> Thas rite
@Blat salad! πŸ’πŸΏπŸ₯— mhmmm YESSSSIRRR

Well get through this zoomer king I appreciate you mate

God is with us