Message from @The18thDoctor

Discord ID: 498981677897613317

2018-10-08 22:12:19 UTC

2018-10-08 22:12:22 UTC  


2018-10-08 22:12:24 UTC

2018-10-08 22:12:40 UTC  

Per mile squared

2018-10-08 22:12:41 UTC  

Get it right

2018-10-08 22:12:46 UTC  

your going to continue to use stuff I said out of context?

2018-10-08 22:12:54 UTC  


2018-10-08 22:12:58 UTC  

don't quote me again Big Lover

2018-10-08 22:13:02 UTC  

It's kinda funny

2018-10-08 22:13:04 UTC  

I'm warning you

2018-10-08 22:13:12 UTC  


2018-10-08 22:13:23 UTC  

The context matters

2018-10-08 22:13:24 UTC  

You’re getting the math entirely wrong Kevin. It’s 8 inches per mile squared. A tiny mistake in wording, but it makes a huge difference.

2018-10-08 22:13:38 UTC  

So one mile is eight inches

2018-10-08 22:13:39 UTC  

he's not interested in facts

2018-10-08 22:14:02 UTC  

Its the principle that matters meta

2018-10-08 22:14:24 UTC  

but good point nonetheless

2018-10-08 22:14:39 UTC

2018-10-08 22:14:56 UTC  


2018-10-08 22:15:02 UTC  

Yes why does the horizon occur anyway?

2018-10-08 22:15:13 UTC  

the problem is that if you actually try to use it for close work, you can have hills creating fake curvature

2018-10-08 22:15:46 UTC  

or you can have someone level the hills, and then what, you removed that curvature in the short term?

2018-10-08 22:15:56 UTC  

And why does your horizon distance increase as you gain altitude?

2018-10-08 22:15:57 UTC  

some places are flatter than other places

2018-10-08 22:16:35 UTC  

Kevin did u see metaphysical recent change

2018-10-08 22:16:41 UTC  

Goto reception

2018-10-08 22:16:42 UTC  

Kevin why does the horizon exist, and why does it get more distant as you gain altitude?

2018-10-08 22:16:44 UTC  


2018-10-08 22:16:53 UTC  

@The18thDoctor gradiant slope

2018-10-08 22:17:01 UTC  

Optical slant

2018-10-08 22:17:20 UTC  

Do you have some sort of diagram?

2018-10-08 22:17:25 UTC  


2018-10-08 22:17:34 UTC  

Rip Meta

2018-10-08 22:17:40 UTC  


2018-10-08 22:17:43 UTC  

What object or thing blocks the light from things beyond the horizon?

2018-10-08 22:17:57 UTC  

this shows perspective, and convergence at your viewing distance

2018-10-08 22:18:06 UTC  

Post 1 of 2

How angular resolution works:

The further an object (i.e. boat, building mountain) gets away from the lens, the angular separation will continue to close until the light blurs together and eventually becomes a line or point or edge"

"As he looks downward toward his feet the slant approaches zero, as he looks upward the slant increases, as the center of clear vision approaches the horizon the slant becomes maximal, and at the horizon itself the land ceases to be a surface and becomes an edge"

As you look down the right side of the hallway, you'll see the angular separation of light begins to close the further you look. Then looking at the left side of the hallway you'll notice the angular separation of light does not close or blur as quickly as the right side.

2018-10-08 22:18:08 UTC  

Post 2 of 2

Here are some questions you can ask yourself. Where is the plane of the eye? What is the relative angle between the surface of target and the plane of the eye? Given that angle , what is the angular separation of the points of light on that target?

Notice the blue cones angle compared to the orange cone. The blue cones angle will lose the light first on the bottom and the ground will start to blur with the object but if you raise in height the resolution will increase shown with the orange cone because the angle of light hitting the retina or camera is made larger. Once the angle becomes too shallow the light turns into a line or Edge. Think of buildings or boats or mountains not as objects but as quadrillions of points of light or photons coming to your retina at different angles and some will become non-resolvable before others. The ones closest to you disappear first as you back away. You will see the ground running up to the horizon then see the horizon as a line and will see things like the sky still or if there's a mountain or building you will still see the top parts but eventually those will also become unresolvable as they get further away and the angle changes.