Message from @^Kevin^
Discord ID: 499035365768953856
I agree. But I’d rather be comfortably healthy. Lol
Yes I have.
when you have an opportunity to rhyme, why not
IKR. Was a complete accident. That makes it even funnier.
that rhyme wasn't by accident, I changed it from money to wealth
Citizen Z, did you see the model that one flat earther did recently
let me track it down, I think the model is way off personally, but I could be wrong
my thinking is that I didn't think the sun's track around earth varied that much from day to day, like a little tighter or looser
what varies the seasons is the tighter or looser circles over the year though
they don't fluctuate so much each day
So flat earth, "gods" a synthetic product of a detached operating system; we are bio electric dna energy transmutation entities and have the capacity to infinity internally express anything and everything that has and will ever be? Mmmmm
where is this coming from?
imagination is a powerful tool and GOD did create man in his image
Let's get into it more tomorrow after work; just wanted to drop brain seeds before bed
sounds like some theory someone is trying to imply we are more than we are
so back to our topic at hand @The Gwench I think everyone has magic
certain gifts you can embrace or discard/not use
We make things happen according to what we are always seeking
I think all people are connected by telepathy
you ever heard of 6 degrees of seperation
basically its if I talk to you, and you talk to someone else
we are 6 people away from any person on the planet
Really? So if you talk to six people, everyone gets impacted in some way or another?
I mean everyone
if they continue the message
most messages don't keep being talked about
and there is usually distortion in the message, it doesn't stay the same as it travels from person to person
But doesn’t that same principle apply to everything we do...not just what we say?
people say different things
lets not make this overly complicated
Oh stop
I was talking about telepathy
I like being complicated.
and I made a quick diversion to 6 degrees of seperation to get back to telepathy and sort of combine them