Message from @The Gwench
Discord ID: 499031298908749825
Well that’s the funny part. I love marvel
your probably just tired
long day of work and shoveling ice/snow
No. Sometimes I’m just clueless.
Very smart but omg I surprise myself how ditzy I can get sometimes.
so I decided to go with netflix instead of hulu, and I recently watched Dr strange for a 3rd time
rarely watch movies too many times
well, half watched it, I was listening to it and doing other stuff, not really watching the pic, just listening to it some
I don’t have many favourites anymore. Except Guardians of the Galaxy
so this is the actress who is supposed to be the ancient one who is enlightened, tell me you don't look like her
yea, I liked guardians of the galaxy both 1 and 2 a lot
I don’t look like that. 😂
so you didn't tell me that you aren't like stephen strange
running around saving the universe
right after work and ice/snow shoveling
double negative cancels and you did say englightened, so you like healed super fast on your wrist
No. Lol Just taking it easy after trying to save a bunch of trolls from themselves.
like super healing, able to do magic
If I have super powers I’ll focus on the lottery...then my wrist. 😂
I find health is more important than wealth
have you eaten yet?
I agree. But I’d rather be comfortably healthy. Lol
Yes I have.
when you have an opportunity to rhyme, why not
IKR. Was a complete accident. That makes it even funnier.
that rhyme wasn't by accident, I changed it from money to wealth
Citizen Z, did you see the model that one flat earther did recently
let me track it down, I think the model is way off personally, but I could be wrong
my thinking is that I didn't think the sun's track around earth varied that much from day to day, like a little tighter or looser
what varies the seasons is the tighter or looser circles over the year though
they don't fluctuate so much each day
So flat earth, "gods" a synthetic product of a detached operating system; we are bio electric dna energy transmutation entities and have the capacity to infinity internally express anything and everything that has and will ever be? Mmmmm
where is this coming from?
imagination is a powerful tool and GOD did create man in his image
Let's get into it more tomorrow after work; just wanted to drop brain seeds before bed