Message from @The Gwench
Discord ID: 499040433314463744
I'm psychic, I can see the future
use to have psychic dream
stopped wanting to have them
very limited in what I can see in the future, I don't try to expand on these gifts
I didn’t have to dream though. These things happened when I was awake.
But don't ask him to "prove" it in any way or he will get offended that your melting his snowflake
you think I need safe space or something?
we were past the proving point on magic/psionics
I think you don't even know what it's like to be kept awake for days at end from an internal resonance that literally rippes you from sleep countless times
I'm a gamer, I spent many many days awake intentionally
@Mr.J Wtf? What is this?
....see what I mean no comment on anything directed to anything of psy regards
I didn't stay awake because of magic/psionics
it was a choice
@Mr.J What the hell is wrong with you? What is this...a pissing contest?
sometimes stress releated
@The Gwenth we are all flat earthers here appearantly
what magic have you done Gwenth?
You know the "tinidus" ring; well a good year back I started meditations upon it; could make it grow/disappear. Used it to enter lucid/day dreams. Now tho it's more like boom bitch your heads inside a microwave and if you fight it wrong you gonna cry from dissonance. Getting better at harmonizing the "key" upper tones tho so all in all not that bad
you said you had experince with magic?
I don’t know if it’s magic.
sounds like a psychic ability you got scared of
good reason for it to stop happening
When I was micro dosing weed I'd take the focus of the tone and swirl it around my crown/upper skull and would drift into " schizophrenia"
doesn't sound healthy Mr J
;) for better or worse I stopped a good couple months ago
with regards to sleep, I think we are all connected, and thru sleep we reconnect with other people
without sleep we keep our independence but as we continue to lose more and more sleep you start getting fractured view points/perspective, and makes it harder to keep track of which one yours is.
best to not lose sleep and get enough sleep each day, not worth the bags under the eyes and lack of sleep
if you want to nurture your magical gifts first thing you need to do is not be scared of it
easier said than done because I don't nurture mine
I rather not know
I have other gifts
controlling the weather, to some degree, over time
not drastic changes
@The Gwench have any other gifts?
Thru training I have mastered surviving with lack of sleep and maintaining sanity, not a fun thing to do but iwas having fun staying up, probably the only way to do it effectively.