Message from @The Gwench

Discord ID: 499040433314463744

2018-10-09 02:01:41 UTC  

I'm psychic, I can see the future

2018-10-09 02:01:50 UTC  

use to have psychic dream

2018-10-09 02:01:52 UTC  


2018-10-09 02:02:00 UTC  

stopped wanting to have them

2018-10-09 02:02:05 UTC  


2018-10-09 02:02:33 UTC  

very limited in what I can see in the future, I don't try to expand on these gifts

2018-10-09 02:02:41 UTC  


2018-10-09 02:02:55 UTC  

I didn’t have to dream though. These things happened when I was awake.

2018-10-09 02:02:58 UTC  

But don't ask him to "prove" it in any way or he will get offended that your melting his snowflake

2018-10-09 02:03:21 UTC  

you think I need safe space or something?

2018-10-09 02:03:53 UTC  

we were past the proving point on magic/psionics

2018-10-09 02:04:56 UTC  

I think you don't even know what it's like to be kept awake for days at end from an internal resonance that literally rippes you from sleep countless times

2018-10-09 02:05:22 UTC  

I'm a gamer, I spent many many days awake intentionally

2018-10-09 02:05:37 UTC  

@Mr.J Wtf? What is this?

2018-10-09 02:06:01 UTC  

....see what I mean no comment on anything directed to anything of psy regards

2018-10-09 02:06:23 UTC  

I didn't stay awake because of magic/psionics

2018-10-09 02:06:26 UTC  

it was a choice

2018-10-09 02:06:47 UTC  

@Mr.J What the hell is wrong with you? What is this...a pissing contest?

2018-10-09 02:06:52 UTC  

sometimes stress releated

2018-10-09 02:07:31 UTC  

@The Gwenth we are all flat earthers here appearantly

2018-10-09 02:08:31 UTC  

@Mr.J Please explain yourself.

2018-10-09 02:08:48 UTC  

what magic have you done Gwenth?

2018-10-09 02:09:01 UTC  

You know the "tinidus" ring; well a good year back I started meditations upon it; could make it grow/disappear. Used it to enter lucid/day dreams. Now tho it's more like boom bitch your heads inside a microwave and if you fight it wrong you gonna cry from dissonance. Getting better at harmonizing the "key" upper tones tho so all in all not that bad

2018-10-09 02:09:02 UTC  

you said you had experince with magic?

2018-10-09 02:09:31 UTC  

I don’t know if it’s magic.

2018-10-09 02:11:48 UTC  

sounds like a psychic ability you got scared of

2018-10-09 02:11:55 UTC  

good reason for it to stop happening

2018-10-09 02:12:01 UTC  

When I was micro dosing weed I'd take the focus of the tone and swirl it around my crown/upper skull and would drift into " schizophrenia"

2018-10-09 02:12:37 UTC  

doesn't sound healthy Mr J

2018-10-09 02:13:11 UTC  

;) for better or worse I stopped a good couple months ago

2018-10-09 02:13:23 UTC  

with regards to sleep, I think we are all connected, and thru sleep we reconnect with other people

2018-10-09 02:14:27 UTC  

without sleep we keep our independence but as we continue to lose more and more sleep you start getting fractured view points/perspective, and makes it harder to keep track of which one yours is.

2018-10-09 02:14:58 UTC  

best to not lose sleep and get enough sleep each day, not worth the bags under the eyes and lack of sleep

2018-10-09 02:15:57 UTC  

if you want to nurture your magical gifts first thing you need to do is not be scared of it

2018-10-09 02:16:14 UTC  

easier said than done because I don't nurture mine

2018-10-09 02:16:21 UTC  

I rather not know

2018-10-09 02:16:51 UTC  

I have other gifts

2018-10-09 02:17:10 UTC  

controlling the weather, to some degree, over time

2018-10-09 02:17:13 UTC  

not drastic changes

2018-10-09 02:18:37 UTC  

@The Gwench have any other gifts?

2018-10-09 02:22:21 UTC  

Thru training I have mastered surviving with lack of sleep and maintaining sanity, not a fun thing to do but iwas having fun staying up, probably the only way to do it effectively.