Message from @The Gwench
Discord ID: 512122318294745089
Interesting vid
@The Gwench no need to be aggressive, I'm putting forward an opinion... which is also what this server is dedicated to.
@Samwise I’m only correcting a misconception on your part. Nothing personal.
Btw, I have a conspiracy you might be interested in.
Oh okay sorry
No worries. You’re from South Africa, right?
I heard that the water shortage in Capetown is false.
It's not
It’s got something to do with primary water. I’ve got info for you.
One second. 😃
You see, South Africa has this cycle
Every ten years give or take, South Africa has a period of wet and dry... I'm speaking broadly here.
Now the Western Cape, is more at risk coz there's a limited supply of water sources
Depends on the water table and where it is situated
You know what a plateau is?
Sort of.
👆Deborah Tevarres is very much into this topic. It has to do with the 100 resilient Cities. A foundation started by Rockefellers
I've been to the western cape, my cousin stays in one of the cities near Capetown
Do you know that some rocks are more porous than others?
Do you understand what surface runoff is?
Right so, yes there's a good supply of water underground that's understandable
However, it is dependent on how accessable this water is
For example, there could be an underwater lake in an area, this is common, but the moment you try to take advantage of the water you bring other dangers into play
You could cause a cave in
The reason why the water crisis down there was so hyped was because of the period of rain that came
I wish I had my other external
I could show you the before and after stuff