Message from @Citizen Z
Discord ID: 539855808867860481
DrPeper#6051 (202816731540881409) is now unmuted! <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
*mumbles about how the government is trying to silence the truth*
Took me a while to figure that out lol
o you think government oppression is funny now?
it is when they opress peper
Oppression is the new normal
thats right
mute peper
How bout u
Satan#0229 (279722495366397952) is now muted for '**33**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
Satan#0229 (279722495366397952) is now unmuted! <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
I'm abusing my powers
Now you see the violence enherinit in the system
I created the violet
Dont be a zealotard
Wtf. This is horrific. ๐ง
Those bastards!!! ๐ฎ
Will backfire
John Gilmore (born 1955) is one of the founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the ... Gilmore famously stated of Internet censorship that "The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it".
Yup. The NWO. First itโs population control and then it will be depopulation. ๐ก
They is already an elacceptable pronoun
I used they before it was popular
Checkmate globies
says the globe earther
>believes the government
> calls other people libtards
because the government has been lying to me all my life, why wouldn't they also be lying about this?
if the earth were actually a ball, then we could prove it on our own