Message from @Platon et la MG42
Discord ID: 285424765639065600
by "retard" Exilarch here is referring to pretty much everyone
just to be clear
retards can be amino acids
my position statement is only what was commonly preached on Anus: 25% of humanity deserves to be killed outright and 90% of what remains should be sterilized
I keep hoping prozak memes it somehow
reminds me Utopia (sry for spoiler)
spoiler: the allied forces win
fly the Elephant Foot to mecca, replace the rock with the elephant foot
ahahaha excellent idea
retards would never know, they would just melt
they would think it was one of their snackbar prophecies
"LILILILI DEATH TO AMERICA why is my skin falling off"
random, did you know ISIS is using military drones now?
I am subbed to some subreddits that show military footage, they show military drones bombing people and shooting people all the time
yup, but not military drones
we terminator now
damn, they have military drones ?
it shows them blowing people to hell using shells dropped from quadrotors
no amalgan
religion of retardation + terminator technology = apocalypse
global chimpocalypse
trump will not stand for this
i think sometimes that chimpanzees have higher IQ than muslms
they do actually
muslim IQ is 85
chimp IQ can be as high as 95
koko the gorilla is smarter than muslims, for real
> hey lets let a bunch of dune coons into white european countries, the same ones that expelled the jews
literally if you showed the quran to koko, it would literally say in sign language "haha this book not real haha"
"even koko know that"
Only thing missing : Nigeria, 1st world power
Philippines - Local superpower, France - Little merchant client state
awwwwwwwwwwwwww yisss
Damn, i don't regret quitting the police forces