Message from @fallot
Discord ID: 287881431932338177
County metal
There are better songs on that than the black album
jack donovan's favorite instrument is the guitar, because it has a whammy bar.
It'd totally change the meaning of sodomize the weak if jack d said it
it's the way of men
What are you doing in the woods Jack with the Wolves of Vinland?
prison is a microcosm of life
"sodomizing the weak"
prison gang life
right now he is fucking this jacked liberal guy
but he has a guy on the side
What are you doing in that there truckstop bathroom? "Sodomizing the weak"
what he doesnt mention is the copious casual sex in between
Yeah. It's sickly that he's a mra
Tells people how to be manly, then takes it to the extreme
@fallot this is my favorite metallica track
his vision is kind of like fascism
which is also kind of homosexual
certainly attracts them
are jews considered white in prison
Gays are attracted to nazis
It's a big fetish
fallot you'd probably be grouped wuth the mexicans in prison
you could be a brahmin aristocrat
convert them to islam
organize race rebellions against the white prison system
Fallot would be a bottom in prison
judging by the title vigilance wrote this
haven't read it yet
it's you?
who's the guy who loves dissection
i hate dissection. it's fucking maiden made bouncy
and retarded
i agree wit hteh review
how about sacramentum
much better than dissection
actually black metal
where's enfp