Message from @Deleted User 57835c2c

Discord ID: 302657840105914370

2017-04-15 02:39:32 UTC  

who needs statistics? we read Atlas Shrugged, we know for a fact

2017-04-15 02:45:21 UTC  

oh I have an idea, maybe we could make a website full of articles saying that the environment is more important than people, run it for several years, and then talk shit to anyone who says they want to ban cutting the forests down and call them evil idiot communists

2017-04-15 02:45:36 UTC  

burg farms only, fuck forests. gotta have that tex mex

2017-04-15 02:45:46 UTC  

(mex mex)

2017-04-15 02:51:56 UTC  

maybe a coast to coast concrete wasteland covered in billboards

2017-04-15 02:52:10 UTC  

maybe that would be better than stupid forests (they don't even generate GDP! leeches!)

2017-04-15 03:26:30 UTC  

beginning to watch Revolutionary Girl Utena to see if it is any good

2017-04-15 03:29:11 UTC  

so far it is annoying as fuck

2017-04-15 03:29:13 UTC  


2017-04-15 03:30:31 UTC  

so far it is about a pink haired action grrl lesbian who punks all the silly boys and retires to her harem of sluts

2017-04-15 03:30:43 UTC  

this would give any normal person seizures

2017-04-15 03:36:29 UTC  

so far this would trigger normies just as hard as rozen maiden and in exactly the same ways

2017-04-15 03:41:25 UTC  

this is basically rozen maiden plus sailor moon

2017-04-15 04:00:08 UTC  

already by episode 2 it is beginning to make me think. this show is supposed to be very psychological. Why is it normal people are so opinionated and inelegant

2017-04-15 04:00:26 UTC  

essentially dealing with normal fucking retards is a contest for ideological correctness

2017-04-15 04:00:44 UTC  

normal fucking retards do not compete over their own virtues, they compete over having the right ideas

2017-04-15 04:01:03 UTC  

I wonder how long it has been like that, or if it has always been that way

2017-04-15 04:05:32 UTC  

My old friend Mike Autisminov said it was a good reactionary anime

2017-04-15 04:09:06 UTC  

it's extremely well animated if nothing else

2017-04-15 04:14:10 UTC  

this is autistic as fuck

2017-04-15 04:14:12 UTC  

even I am stunned

2017-04-15 04:14:34 UTC  

I am raising my autism level by watching this

2017-04-15 04:14:43 UTC  

this is literally catgirl harem level

2017-04-15 04:14:50 UTC  

might watch it then

2017-04-15 06:53:35 UTC  

yeah the darkhair bitches have something cooking

2017-04-15 06:53:39 UTC  

you can tell

2017-04-15 06:53:51 UTC  

"soon my darling"

2017-04-15 06:53:54 UTC  

"yes, soon"

2017-04-15 07:02:16 UTC  

They're gonna draw down the moon

2017-04-15 11:03:07 UTC  


2017-04-15 11:03:48 UTC  

poor guy got sidelined later on

2017-04-15 11:04:10 UTC  

Shia have an impending crisis, invisible to the world

2017-04-15 11:04:16 UTC  

and even most Sunnis

2017-04-15 11:04:37 UTC  

their clerics have become rotten in the extreme

2017-04-15 11:05:21 UTC  

and their people have become halfhearted in their religion as a result, because its clerics all the way down (Marja-e-taqleed) in the 12er conception

2017-04-15 11:05:48 UTC  

this has resulted in a reaction where you have a bunch of young, media savvy dudes who say extreme shit

2017-04-15 11:06:00 UTC  

and this gets purchase among the youth, but is further and further away from Islam

2017-04-15 11:06:23 UTC  

taqiyya is one of the issues, many younger Shia think "why should we bother?"

2017-04-15 11:07:02 UTC  

Taqiyya as an actual thing rather than a bogeyman is almost entirely between Shia and Sunni

2017-04-15 11:07:16 UTC  

the Shia hide their true beliefs, including their clerics and ecumenical figures