Message from @fallot

Discord ID: 332134486378676224

2017-07-05 12:20:54 UTC  

spending most of my waking time doing something that isn't part of that is therefore a huge problem

2017-07-05 12:21:10 UTC  

and some might say "yeah but you can discipline yourself to figure out how to cultivate virtue through any activity"

2017-07-05 12:21:29 UTC  

but I don't really see it that way anymore, I can't explain that clearly yet though

2017-07-05 12:22:03 UTC  

why isn't it virtue?

2017-07-05 12:22:19 UTC  


2017-07-05 12:22:19 UTC  

what personal virtue am I developing through this?

2017-07-05 12:22:23 UTC  

think of souls

2017-07-05 12:22:28 UTC  

I am; of mine

2017-07-05 12:22:28 UTC  

not of worldly consequences

2017-07-05 12:22:44 UTC  

personal virtue, you're using a different meaning of virtue now

2017-07-05 12:23:00 UTC  

virtue as in good deed

2017-07-05 12:23:02 UTC  

no, earlier that is how I meant it

2017-07-05 12:23:08 UTC  

in any case

2017-07-05 12:23:13 UTC  

good deeds have a spiritual effect

2017-07-05 12:23:17 UTC  

I meant virtue in the sense of building up the self, your own personal soul, as a clean offering to God

2017-07-05 12:23:18 UTC  

and bad deeds too

2017-07-05 12:23:20 UTC  

both may not be apparent

2017-07-05 12:23:35 UTC  

the thing about that is

2017-07-05 12:23:43 UTC  

you are not the judge of curation of your soul beyond a limited extent

2017-07-05 12:23:49 UTC  

otherwise you could yourself decide

2017-07-05 12:23:52 UTC  

what is right and what is wrong

2017-07-05 12:23:54 UTC  

and do accordingly

2017-07-05 12:24:04 UTC  

at the very base, that IS what you have to do

2017-07-05 12:24:22 UTC  

you ultimately have to make a decision to follow some religion etc.

2017-07-05 12:24:31 UTC  


2017-07-05 12:24:34 UTC  

but other than that, it may not be apparent to you

2017-07-05 12:24:39 UTC  

why some things are good

2017-07-05 12:24:42 UTC  

and some things are bad

2017-07-05 12:24:46 UTC  

and the ability to decide anything is what this line of work has ripped away from me

2017-07-05 12:25:02 UTC  

that's why I feel it's my moral imperative to quit if I am able

2017-07-05 12:25:12 UTC  

intuition and scripture tells me that saving a soul is worthwhile

2017-07-05 12:25:19 UTC  

and it makes sense to me it is

2017-07-05 12:25:24 UTC  

as repentance is open to everyone, all the time

2017-07-05 12:25:37 UTC  

my religion tells me that not every soul is worth saving, though that is a back page secret

2017-07-05 12:25:48 UTC  

hence I would save even a child rapists/murderers life if I could

2017-07-05 12:25:55 UTC  

to later execute them

2017-07-05 12:26:11 UTC  

I wouldn't, and neither would my god, depending on the content of their souls

2017-07-05 12:26:22 UTC  

every life is not worth saving objectively

2017-07-05 12:26:24 UTC  

but subjectively

2017-07-05 12:26:26 UTC  

you cannot know

2017-07-05 12:26:33 UTC  

true, unfortunately