Message from @Aspect
Discord ID: 550150908407709696
So it's because of density?
When you prove general relativity get back to me. Until then you are describing an EFFECT not a CAUSE
Wait y'all really don't believe in gravity 9
Gravity is only s theory
It's just a theory.
Why do you BELIEVE in it?
It's mathematically possible, given the assumed constants.
That's bc we r in the earth, we r moving with the earth. Look at when ur in a car, once u first put gas into the car ur body jerks back, then ur moving with the car, that's why when u jump in a car moving ur not going to shoot backwards
That is inertia
Then what keeps us from just, you know, falling off the earth into space
I'm not talking about inertia, I'm talking about why the earth doesn't move from under our feet
Because we aren’t on a spinning ball 😃
We really are
We really aren’t
What makes you say it is flat
The Sun moves round the world.
Come to voice
Belief is not science. You believe in scientism. Pseudoscience
BOIIIIII that theory was proven wrong like over 600 years ago
Join vc?
I can't
@Aspect Come to voice. It sounds like you want to debate.
Don’t be s coward
There is no debate. Gravity is a belief. It has nothing to do with things falling or rising
No I actually can't family is around
The gravitational pull of the moon is ehat causes tides
Belief again.
How when we've already proven it
But legend is correct
Unless more water is created ur not going to get tides
Scientists have proven this
Over and over