Message from @fallot
Discord ID: 347049378705440768
and lots of those people get really dismissive and defensive about it, in my experience
I guess I've just never encountered that
makes sense
I'll keep it in mind for the future
MBTI has major in-universe issues though
like the focus on intuitives or certain types at the expense of others
that does seem pretty cool
i'd like to see decentralized solutions be used more. i guess the peer to peer nature of some of them is the biggest issue, because you have to protect your IP to use it privately. what does everyone think? we should at least have them set up as backups. daily stormer could have let people know about the onion/tor site beforehand. now they have no way to let people know besides random forums.
it will take one of the big players to get the ball rolling. hopefully DS will, instead of just solely moving around from place to place. they might not be able to get back up at all now.
amerika could start something too of course, to set an example
decentralization is useful, needs to happen
need something like torrents for chat, which in a sense IRC already is
but it needs to be taken up to that next level
see what a niche even Discord filled
just put chat and voice together in a convenient client
bam, huge success
but its too idealistic to think about a future like that, right now what should be focused on is alternatives
there are tools already there it just takes someone to get the ball rolling. it's a good time now as they're ramping up the shutdown.
twitter seems like an unsustainable thing in the first place
so probably gab will also fail
it's not somethign that can happen at an invidual grass roots level i think
i don't think i'm just complaining when i could do it myself
nothing is going to happen to Discord in general
see, I don't like this attitude
don't let anyone tell you anything about what you are doing
or that you are complaining
complain away
these are just expectations absorbed from the social world, which have decreasing relevance
alt-right literally is complaining on the internet
that's what it started from
your words are agency
there's a lot worth complaining about it in the world
the ability to have your message reach people far away, is extremely powerful
and not in the sense of some big soapbox
IRC with tor is a good solution for the privacy-minded
just reaching individuals I mean
I don't think its privacy that is desired as much as independence