Message from @fallot

Discord ID: 350801395592724483

2017-08-26 00:36:10 UTC  

"I'm okay with this"

2017-08-26 00:36:13 UTC  

"I'm not okay with that"

2017-08-26 00:36:41 UTC  

all sociopaths, without exception

2017-08-26 00:36:45 UTC  

are irredeemable monsters

2017-08-26 00:36:50 UTC  

some just dont do that much harm

2017-08-26 00:36:50 UTC  

i agree

2017-08-26 00:36:57 UTC  

but that's incidental

2017-08-26 00:37:21 UTC  

the difference between a sociopath who does monetary fraud and one who eats babies is

2017-08-26 00:37:32 UTC  

it occured to the second guy to eat babies

2017-08-26 00:37:40 UTC  

in my observation, all sociopaths crave power, especially over others

2017-08-26 00:37:47 UTC  


2017-08-26 00:37:51 UTC  

lots of trannies are sociopaths

2017-08-26 00:38:01 UTC  

first of all, given how complex and murky the facts of lawsuits are I would really need a lot more than a brief article to believe much of that. But more critically, you have to explain why it's a problem - and what can reasonably be done about it.

2017-08-26 00:38:05 UTC  

people cannot understand the mentality

2017-08-26 00:38:11 UTC  

some are, but i am not

2017-08-26 00:38:23 UTC  

@UOC I would think the problem, if you grant me the conclusion, explains itself?

2017-08-26 00:38:37 UTC  

what requires explanation about it?

2017-08-26 00:39:06 UTC  

if a sociopath is a sociopath but does a bunch of shit I want him to do, and next to nothing I dont

2017-08-26 00:39:15 UTC  

what damage has occurred

2017-08-26 00:39:23 UTC  

you're not thinking about this right

2017-08-26 00:39:30 UTC  

lets say your doctor is a sociopath

2017-08-26 00:39:34 UTC  

but has never done anything bad as far as you know

2017-08-26 00:39:38 UTC  

would you like to be treated by him

2017-08-26 00:39:41 UTC  

or want him to be a doctor?

2017-08-26 00:40:01 UTC  

why would you put someone in a position of responsibility who is by nature not responsible?

2017-08-26 00:40:14 UTC  

his "good work" to date being merely pragmatic and self serving

2017-08-26 00:40:18 UTC  

able to be dissolved at any instant

2017-08-26 00:40:32 UTC  

and more probably, a cover for some sort of sadistic nature or personal crime

2017-08-26 00:41:16 UTC  

its like the frog and scorpion tale

2017-08-26 00:41:28 UTC  

or turtle and scorpion, whatever

2017-08-26 00:41:58 UTC  

everyone is pragmatic and self serving. the fact that my doctor likes what he does or gets paid well doesn't make me avoid him. if my doctor is known to torture patients in the course of his practice , I would not be treated by him. If I knew he were a sociopath willing and capable of torturing me I would not take the risk.

2017-08-26 00:42:09 UTC  

that's not true

2017-08-26 00:42:15 UTC  

most people are not in fact truly self serving

2017-08-26 00:42:27 UTC  

Hail blood

2017-08-26 00:42:36 UTC  

the self serving-ness of the sociopath is global

2017-08-26 00:42:42 UTC  

everything about them is a lie in some way

2017-08-26 00:42:56 UTC  

but I also can't just piece context free facts together to come to a pretty unsupported conclusion about the mental state of a man I don't know especially in this political environment

2017-08-26 00:43:05 UTC  


2017-08-26 00:43:10 UTC  

but lets say you grant the conclusion

2017-08-26 00:43:14 UTC  

what then?

2017-08-26 00:43:28 UTC  

I guess you already answered it