Message from @Deleted User 57835c2c

Discord ID: 351071058872500247

2017-08-26 18:27:14 UTC  


2017-08-26 18:27:17 UTC  

they brazilified and now look like they do

2017-08-26 18:27:27 UTC  


2017-08-26 18:27:36 UTC  

The Aryans miscegenated.

2017-08-26 18:27:39 UTC  


2017-08-26 18:27:50 UTC  

the sentinelese are the native race to the area, they are coal black niggers

2017-08-26 18:27:59 UTC  

clearly the original people there were coal black niggers

2017-08-26 18:28:08 UTC  


2017-08-26 18:28:23 UTC  

the fairest indians are obviously largely white, so clearly the ancient aryans looked like Hitler's aryans

2017-08-26 18:28:37 UTC  

and we are looking at people who screwed it up

2017-08-26 18:29:20 UTC  

"hinduist" "east india"

2017-08-26 18:29:32 UTC

2017-08-26 18:30:03 UTC  

people have a tough time separating true meanings from external appearances

2017-08-26 18:30:06 UTC  

in general

2017-08-26 18:30:12 UTC  

it is one of the tools of Satan

2017-08-26 18:30:25 UTC  

so pagan larpers become ancient aryans

2017-08-26 18:30:28 UTC  

of course they do fallot.. That's why the altright thinks indians are all "poo in the loo pajeet!" and are unwilling to explore sublter structures in their society and history

2017-08-26 18:30:30 UTC  

when their worldviews would be so different

2017-08-26 18:30:39 UTC  

as to be alien and antagonistic

2017-08-26 18:30:51 UTC  

Even recent genome studies prove the Aryan invasions. Traces of haplogroup R1a Z282 were found in Indians. That haplogroup is mainly found in Northern Slavs and Scandinavians .

2017-08-26 18:31:03 UTC  


2017-08-26 18:31:22 UTC  

you dont even need genes

2017-08-26 18:31:24 UTC  

language is enough

2017-08-26 18:31:33 UTC  

I don't need even that, I can look by appearance alone

2017-08-26 18:31:39 UTC  

that would be genes

2017-08-26 18:31:41 UTC  

I can just analyze human looks and figure it out

2017-08-26 18:31:59 UTC  

Yes, that can be done too.

2017-08-26 18:32:24 UTC  

You can tell someone is a Jew by looking at them lol.

2017-08-26 18:32:25 UTC  

Nazism is an antichrist ideology, because it elevates the nation, or race, or a specific personage that represents these, to the level of God

2017-08-26 18:32:38 UTC  

I noticed a long time ago that indians seemed to be mulattos except with features/bone structure erring on the euro side rather than the negro side for whatever reason

2017-08-26 18:32:52 UTC  

And what is wrong with that @fallot ?

2017-08-26 18:33:00 UTC  

how does it elevate them to god level

2017-08-26 18:33:02 UTC  

I am not sure of it

2017-08-26 18:33:06 UTC  

its a lie, so it eventually leads to nihilism

2017-08-26 18:33:08 UTC  

or reduces to leftism

2017-08-26 18:33:15 UTC  

you cannot replace God with nation

2017-08-26 18:33:44 UTC  

if I fix up my house and make it nice, am I elevating my house to god status? what if I just make basic repairs on my house so that it functions properly? that's all nazism is, making basic repairs to the race so it functions properly

2017-08-26 18:33:54 UTC  

it isn't though

2017-08-26 18:33:58 UTC  

that isn't nazism

2017-08-26 18:34:02 UTC  

by that bar, I'm a nazi

2017-08-26 18:34:26 UTC  

even non-cucked republicans are nazis by that bar