Message from @Hagel

Discord ID: 352855707730837505

2017-08-31 16:31:39 UTC  

Yes, highest average

2017-08-31 16:31:49 UTC  

Germanics produce a good amount of geniuses, while not having a particularly high average

2017-08-31 16:33:26 UTC  

that is true

2017-08-31 16:33:39 UTC  

higher spread?

2017-08-31 16:35:00 UTC  

I suspect that they simply have more of the genes for high intellect in their genepool

2017-08-31 16:35:26 UTC  

which come out on occasion

2017-08-31 16:35:34 UTC  


2017-08-31 16:37:51 UTC  

and the high IQ of the jews (ashkenazi) is mostly manifested in their verbal abilities

2017-08-31 16:38:10 UTC  

and east asians is mathematical

2017-08-31 16:38:17 UTC  

they fuckin dominate in engineering i've noticed

2017-08-31 16:38:51 UTC  


2017-08-31 16:39:45 UTC  

So Jewish Asians must be god tier.?

2017-08-31 16:40:28 UTC  

That's not how genes work

2017-08-31 16:41:35 UTC  

@Kalier I know a Jewish Asian girl

2017-08-31 16:41:37 UTC  

Jewish Asians would have the point in between the two populations, in both mathematical and linguistic affinity

2017-08-31 16:41:45 UTC  

10/10 thighs

2017-08-31 16:41:48 UTC  


2017-08-31 16:42:22 UTC  

>"IQ is heredity"
>"that's not how genes work"
Pick one.

2017-08-31 16:42:29 UTC  


2017-08-31 16:42:31 UTC  

I just picked both

2017-08-31 16:42:36 UTC  

and illustrated how that's viable

2017-08-31 16:42:48 UTC  

You don't get better by mixing, you get the average between the two

2017-08-31 16:43:10 UTC  

I'm still laughing

2017-08-31 16:45:44 UTC  

You can prefer the averages in various categories that Askehanzi jews and East Asians would give, but the overall value wouldn't be any higher

2017-08-31 16:45:55 UTC  

It would just be rearranged

2017-08-31 16:48:17 UTC  

if you assortatively mated high IQ Jews and Asians

2017-08-31 16:48:23 UTC  

assuming there were no confounding issues

2017-08-31 16:48:30 UTC  

you would indeed get higher IQ people

2017-08-31 16:48:51 UTC  

What do you mean with assortatively mated? Isn't that just picking the best, which is just eugenics?

2017-08-31 16:48:54 UTC  

There's no reason to racemix to do that

2017-08-31 16:49:39 UTC  

What creates higher IQ, or higher anything, people, is breeding for that trait. Not mixing populations.

2017-08-31 16:51:53 UTC  

true enough @Hagel , but assuming you did mix them in this fashion you would indeed get smarter people

2017-08-31 16:52:00 UTC  

would work for any population though

2017-08-31 16:52:05 UTC  

and within populations

2017-08-31 16:53:41 UTC  

But they'd be nuts

2017-08-31 17:30:13 UTC

2017-08-31 17:34:11 UTC  


2017-08-31 17:44:45 UTC  

Disgusting neotenytes