Message from @fallot

Discord ID: 355296359353548800

2017-09-07 10:04:37 UTC  

some retard on my FB:

"I am disappointed to see productive members of society threatened with deportation to countries they've never known. I believe in justice, not arbitrarily telling someone they don't belong because of a crime they were too innocent to commit. #DACA"

2017-09-07 10:04:52 UTC  

see @diversity_is_racism this is a guy with a mexican wife, and a high caste white mexican wife at that

2017-09-07 10:05:15 UTC  

because he sealed his beliefs with blood, now no matter what he will be in favor of squat brown 75 IQ beaner aztecs running amok because they have "dreams."

2017-09-07 10:12:19 UTC  

"In order for the environment to be protected in the long run the culture must care about it. Third world countries with the most economically unprivileged people are the most likely to destroy the environment because If you're trying to survive then you aren't going to worry much about how you're doing it. Saving the earth for future generations becomes a luxury. Allowing for economic freedom is the best way to lift people out of poverty and is the best way albeit an indirect one to improve the environment."

2017-09-07 10:12:35 UTC  

why is it the smartest 2% or so of whites seem to always end up being libertarian retards

2017-09-07 10:12:48 UTC  

This is false

2017-09-07 10:13:01 UTC  

3rd world countries may be dirty

2017-09-07 10:13:02 UTC  

this idiot literally thinks that giving a bunch of money to POCs so they can be rich too will suddenly make them non retarded

2017-09-07 10:13:12 UTC  

But its industry that pollutes

2017-09-07 10:13:29 UTC  

The burden is 1st world now shifting to China

2017-09-07 10:14:55 UTC  

I asked in the group how libertarianism addresses externalities such as environmental destruction, some woman said:

"I don't know that libertarianism addresses it. You use your freedom to create change, as many have done and continue to do. Others like-minded do as well. Thank God it's easy to spread information, ideas, and build unity. 
Much work is needed to fix this situation before we greed ourselves out of a planet."

So in other words, just educate the morons and all Work Together and everything will be fine :)

2017-09-07 10:15:01 UTC  

holy shit, this is straight out of

2017-09-07 10:16:43 UTC  

this is mind blowingly bad

2017-09-07 10:20:08 UTC  

No prozak is the opposite of this man

2017-09-07 10:20:17 UTC  

Crowdism is the opposite idea

2017-09-07 10:20:22 UTC  

that's what I'm saying dumbass

2017-09-07 10:20:31 UTC  

read between the lines. You expect it of me, so now it's your turn

2017-09-07 10:20:33 UTC  

that's what I'm saying dumbass

2017-09-07 10:20:37 UTC  


2017-09-07 10:20:41 UTC  

Dont be so mad

2017-09-07 10:20:53 UTC  

My mistake

2017-09-07 10:21:25 UTC  

I am balls deep in a society full of dalits getting my cock milked of its vital force by Satan himself

2017-09-07 10:21:50 UTC  

People have a tendency to think I am talking down to them online

2017-09-07 10:22:03 UTC  

It isnt like that

2017-09-07 10:25:10 UTC  

Fallot just FYI I genuinely believe that industry does not pollute, retards pollute

2017-09-07 10:25:47 UTC  

industry is just a more effective tool for them to physically manifest their retardation and evil and spew it into the environment, but prior to that they would've still polluted with STDs and shitting in the streets

2017-09-07 10:26:17 UTC  

because they are the pollution, the environmental waste is just a symptom of retards living

2017-09-07 10:27:06 UTC  

like look at HIV

2017-09-07 10:27:21 UTC  

HIV came into existence because niggers fucked monkeys and then buttfucked each other

2017-09-07 10:27:28 UTC  

it is literally a physical manifestation of nigger idiocy and evil

2017-09-07 10:27:54 UTC  

all they did was pray to nigger Satan to physically manifest the HIV in their souls out into reality

2017-09-07 10:31:30 UTC  

they didn't even need any technology to do it, they just did it with nothing but evil souls and a monkey

2017-09-07 10:31:51 UTC  

now it's the fucking plague lands out there

2017-09-07 10:41:51 UTC  

I looked it up, even wikipedia basically says it came about because they ate/fucked monkeys and then buttfucked each other, they just lie and said white people did it, because prior to colonialism they wuz kangs and never ate monkeys or were promiscuous or had buttsex, so it's whitey's fault even though there's LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG WITH LGBT BIGOT!!! >_<

2017-09-07 10:43:21 UTC  

that just shows the retarded brain of the liberal animal, buttsex, promiscuity and bestiality are horrible crimes attributed to the white man when it harms POCs, but when you try to point out that maybe those are intrinsically bad things that lead to problems no matter where they are done, liberals screech about you being mean and judgmental

2017-09-07 10:53:17 UTC  

AIDS was invented by wypipo to oppress dem blacks.

2017-09-07 11:03:10 UTC  

yeah lol

2017-09-07 11:03:30 UTC  

the wyte mayn evilly oppressed them by inventing a virus that can only be spread through evil behavior, but it's still white peoples' fault

2017-09-07 11:04:14 UTC  

AIDS is just nature's way of punishing those it deems unworthy.

2017-09-07 11:12:55 UTC  

TendieLord - Today at 3:52 AM
@Deleted User 57835c2c What do you think of video games and the people that play them?