Message from @Spiritchef

Discord ID: 361291035873378318

2017-09-23 17:25:20 UTC  

I've come to believe there is no such thing as "objective reality"

2017-09-23 17:25:31 UTC  

I am leaning toward that, too

2017-09-23 17:25:42 UTC  

oh good

2017-09-23 21:05:03 UTC  

anglo as fuck

2017-09-23 21:05:34 UTC  

I see that nose every day

2017-09-23 21:40:37 UTC  


2017-09-23 21:44:58 UTC  

Black Ivory Tower has just released their newest mix tape and it's one of their best. For anyone who has never been to their site, BIT is one of the better dark music zines out there and they are ourguys.

2017-09-23 21:58:16 UTC  

gave a good review to Peste Noire

2017-09-23 22:37:26 UTC  

shit site

2017-09-23 22:43:33 UTC  

look at all that slavic moongabble

2017-09-23 22:46:46 UTC  

its a nice enough blog

2017-09-23 22:46:51 UTC  

should be encouraged

2017-09-23 22:47:05 UTC  

a bit on the larpy side

2017-09-23 23:12:14 UTC

2017-09-23 23:16:40 UTC  


2017-09-23 23:17:11 UTC  

I'm actually dropping the ok hand gesture because of that image

2017-09-23 23:17:20 UTC  

Really take it all in

2017-09-23 23:17:27 UTC  

Notice the mattress

2017-09-23 23:20:00 UTC  

notice the mulatto child

2017-09-23 23:21:35 UTC  

Another Weird apsect to it: notice how feminine the negro is

2017-09-23 23:23:02 UTC  

he's hanging out with trailer trash whites

2017-09-23 23:23:09 UTC  

not going to be a normal negro

2017-09-23 23:24:16 UTC  

He seems to live there

2017-09-23 23:25:53 UTC  

Does the nig have gayface?

2017-09-23 23:26:07 UTC  

His face looks kinda gay to me

2017-09-23 23:26:46 UTC  

Who knows

2017-09-23 23:26:53 UTC  

Looks a like a weird fuck either way

2017-09-23 23:27:18 UTC  

Probably lets that slightly bigger guy have his way with both of them

2017-09-23 23:27:31 UTC  

Either way, this image proves that the world is doomed

2017-09-23 23:28:05 UTC  

My feelings exactly

2017-09-23 23:28:28 UTC  

I hope for a plague

2017-09-23 23:30:00 UTC  

It's already here my friend

2017-09-23 23:30:30 UTC  

And it's much more horrific than you ever could have imagined

2017-09-23 23:51:30 UTC  

he's not feminine

2017-09-23 23:51:49 UTC  

and he doesn't have gayface

2017-09-23 23:52:09 UTC  

its the shirt

2017-09-23 23:52:13 UTC  

its too childish

2017-09-23 23:52:31 UTC  

the childishness makes him look overall gay

2017-09-24 01:05:07 UTC  


2017-09-24 03:08:00 UTC  

Holy sheet