Message from @Hagel

Discord ID: 374053788606005249

2017-10-29 04:29:51 UTC  

Yes, they are

2017-10-29 04:30:07 UTC  

soft fatbodies with a bunch of servants

2017-10-29 04:30:41 UTC  

then the ones that are actually "hard" are lanky goat herders as short as white women

2017-10-29 04:31:19 UTC  

I bet the average male icelander could throw the average male arab clean over a car without them touching it

2017-10-29 04:31:54 UTC  

assuming it wasn't one of the 350 lb oil sheikhs in a gold plated mobility scooter with rotten diabetes feet

2017-10-29 04:32:11 UTC  


2017-10-29 04:32:41 UTC  

the one thing I cannot stand in people is for them to be physically pathetic without some insurmountable medical cause

2017-10-29 04:32:43 UTC  

I can never excuse that

2017-10-29 04:33:51 UTC  

Brigham Young said people born as racial arabs (or anything else other than aryans) was because they sinned as spirits before they came to earth

2017-10-29 04:34:19 UTC  

What did Japanese people do? lol

2017-10-29 04:34:27 UTC  

they still got to come to mortality, but as punishment they had to come here as dalits

2017-10-29 04:34:29 UTC  

ate too much ramen

2017-10-29 04:35:23 UTC  

The Japanese considered whites inferior during world war 2, because they stunk

2017-10-29 04:35:32 UTC  

when they were imprisoned, and didn't get to wash, they stunk more than a Japanese would

2017-10-29 04:35:35 UTC  

everybody stunk during ww2

2017-10-29 04:35:43 UTC  

Whites do sweat more than Asians

2017-10-29 04:35:46 UTC  

theyre sitting in a trench 3/4 of their time in the war

2017-10-29 04:36:00 UTC  

Whites are also physically superior to Asians though, as a matter of fact

2017-10-29 04:36:04 UTC  

they are smart and they have a better culture, but what is superior about being a male and 5'3"

2017-10-29 04:36:10 UTC  

Yeah, that's a good point

2017-10-29 04:36:12 UTC  


2017-10-29 04:36:18 UTC  

thats why they have those sandals

2017-10-29 04:36:35 UTC  

whites do not know how to use their bodies anymore. tall lanky nordic people have a huge advantage in hand to hand, they just don't know how to fight or have the will to

2017-10-29 04:36:36 UTC  

im sure theyre like platform boots made of wood

2017-10-29 04:37:12 UTC  


2017-10-29 04:37:42 UTC  

if whites weren't such soft bitches, all these tall nordic beanpoles could easily become almost invincible street fighters

2017-10-29 04:37:57 UTC  

I know how to use my dick

2017-10-29 04:38:05 UTC  

do you

2017-10-29 04:38:08 UTC  

what else matters

2017-10-29 04:38:37 UTC  

thanks to catholicism the nordics probably think it's immoral to have an advantage

2017-10-29 04:38:41 UTC  

Oh I can also pick things up that are heavy and put them back down

2017-10-29 04:39:21 UTC  

I think it is moral to be the most attractive person here does that count

2017-10-29 04:39:35 UTC  

I bet if a 6'5" nordic kid fought a 5'5" arab but realized his extreme reach was an advantage, he'd probably get on his knees to make it "fair"

2017-10-29 04:41:11 UTC  

that's assuming he would even fight, in reality he would probably try to be the other guy's friend, and if the arab postured at him he'd probably stiffen up and awkwardly stutter about how he's not a racist

2017-10-29 04:41:34 UTC  

it's so obvious catholic dalits did all of this

2017-10-29 04:41:45 UTC  

the single worst idea in the world

2017-10-29 04:41:53 UTC  

varg did nothing wrong 14/88

2017-10-29 04:42:26 UTC  

Burning that church was pretty great

2017-10-29 04:42:39 UTC

2017-10-29 04:42:44 UTC  

Asian chicks aren't very attractive. They're good for making iPods and serving chinese food.