Message from @Deleted User 57835c2c

Discord ID: 376910280099364865

2017-11-06 01:44:48 UTC  

I believe in white nationalism.

2017-11-06 01:44:49 UTC  

im not catholic either

2017-11-06 01:44:53 UTC  

both of you are catholics

2017-11-06 01:44:54 UTC  

So what if I was, anyway?

2017-11-06 01:45:02 UTC  

I believe in traditional values.

2017-11-06 01:45:07 UTC  

I believe in aristocracy.

2017-11-06 01:45:08 UTC  

whose tradiiton?

2017-11-06 01:45:12 UTC  

I believe in self-determination.

2017-11-06 01:45:25 UTC  

You're not a pagan degenerate, are you?

2017-11-06 01:45:53 UTC  

here, let me draw it out: catholic church->enlightenment ideas->secular humanism->marxism->several splinter ideologies presuming equality, including neoliberalism, anarchism and libertarianism

2017-11-06 01:46:05 UTC  

>libertarianism comes from Marxism

2017-11-06 01:46:06 UTC  


2017-11-06 01:46:10 UTC  

anyone who believes in even the slightest equality might as well be a catholic cardinal to me

2017-11-06 01:46:13 UTC  


2017-11-06 01:46:21 UTC  

Explain to me how anarcho-capitalism comes from Marxism.

2017-11-06 01:46:22 UTC  


2017-11-06 01:46:25 UTC  

how is libertarianism, at all, marxism ?

2017-11-06 01:46:26 UTC  

Because I know now that you're trolling.

2017-11-06 01:46:41 UTC  

I am not trolling at all

2017-11-06 01:46:48 UTC  

libertarianism believes in equality entirely

2017-11-06 01:46:53 UTC  

"equal opportunity" "equal rights"

2017-11-06 01:47:01 UTC  

Who said those things?

2017-11-06 01:47:04 UTC  

Which libertarian?

2017-11-06 01:47:11 UTC  

eqality under the law, yes

2017-11-06 01:47:21 UTC  

not equality in all catagories

2017-11-06 01:47:27 UTC  

> equality under the law
may as well be a maoist

2017-11-06 01:47:32 UTC  

Every person possesses the same natural rights under natural law.

2017-11-06 01:47:40 UTC  

Yeah, this is a troll.

2017-11-06 01:47:47 UTC  

```Every person possesses the same natural rights under natural law.``` you are only slightly to the right of stalin

2017-11-06 01:47:53 UTC  

Alright, cya.

2017-11-06 01:48:14 UTC  

do a racial negro and a racial aryan have the same rights under your alleged natural law?

2017-11-06 01:48:56 UTC  

They both have the same right to bodily autonomy and both possess private property rights, but the right to free association also means that whites and blacks don't have to interact in any way, shape, or form.

2017-11-06 01:49:06 UTC  

wait so they possess the same rights

2017-11-06 01:49:09 UTC  

that's equality

2017-11-06 01:49:18 UTC  

you might as well be an antifa communist

2017-11-06 01:49:43 UTC  

I do not believe in equality

2017-11-06 01:49:52 UTC  

sexilarch, you are truly hilarious

2017-11-06 01:50:08 UTC  

libertarians and SJW's are the same thing.

2017-11-06 01:50:08 UTC  

He really is.

2017-11-06 01:50:10 UTC  

This is hilarious.