Message from @Okrados
Discord ID: 553365219213049864
the moonlandings were fake. But they were faked by stanley kubrik. And he's an perfectionist and required that it was shot at the real spot
Nice flag wave
Real spot?
That photo is from the post war conference on how to keep the peace in europe
Ffs human
faking the long distance earth shot
gj sheeple you shown us a picture which represents how fotohgrophy and sensors of cameras works
It's a photo that just has increased contrast
Get a job
woah is that beef punchard @Beef_Punchard <:poggers:528389871103115264>
i havent seen you in a while
Oh hey, what are you doing here?
i just like to watch mostly
Ahhh, I see
What up Beeeef
Hey BP
@Beef_Punchard holy shit, a sane human being
Fancy meeting you here
Oh some kids in DD suggested I come here, share my USAF knowledge