Message from @Unpaid Intern

Discord ID: 553394666243096576

2019-03-08 01:46:28 UTC  

i lack any context

2019-03-08 01:50:20 UTC  

rockets can indeed fly in space you cabbage

2019-03-08 01:50:35 UTC

2019-03-08 01:51:01 UTC  

the rocket exhaust doesn't push off of the atmosphere, it's newton's third law

2019-03-08 01:51:15 UTC  

how dare you bring science into this!

2019-03-08 01:51:19 UTC  

@Unpaid Intern in each and every action there is an equal and oppposite REACTION. What are you reaction against?

2019-03-08 01:51:35 UTC  

i think the main reason they dont care about us (the population) saying stuff like they are spying on us or the earth is flat is because they know the rest of their citizens they have taught to look down upon anyone with a different opinion @Citizen Z

2019-03-08 01:51:35 UTC  

K show me a thruster making a precision maneuver inside a vacuum chamber

2019-03-08 01:51:42 UTC  

@Human Sheeple the reaction is the exhaust moves with energy in one direction, thus pushing the spacecraft in the other direction

2019-03-08 01:51:47 UTC  

why do you think guns have recoil?

2019-03-08 01:51:55 UTC  

@Unpaid Intern K show me a thruster making a precision maneuver inside a vacuum chamber

2019-03-08 01:51:57 UTC  

the bullet moves with such high velocity it forces the rest of the gun back

2019-03-08 01:52:05 UTC  

Show me the technology

2019-03-08 01:52:07 UTC  

Guns are rockets now

2019-03-08 01:52:12 UTC  

Then I'll believe you

2019-03-08 01:52:13 UTC  


2019-03-08 01:52:38 UTC  

@Unpaid Intern Use a newton cradle, drop ball one, when ball 5 gets to it's highest point, catch it. does ball 1 move? Now consider ball 5 is flying off into an infinite vacuum, ball 1 will NEVER move, will it?

2019-03-08 01:52:42 UTC  

Show the precision maneuver of a thruster

2019-03-08 01:52:46 UTC  

Then we are good

2019-03-08 01:52:50 UTC  

thrusters being fired in a vacuum chamber are being fired in a vacuum chamber specifically to test the rocket's exhaust pressure

2019-03-08 01:52:58 UTC  

they are literally designed bolted to the ground so they don't move

2019-03-08 01:53:05 UTC  

so we can study the exhaust

2019-03-08 01:53:11 UTC  

we don't fly rockets inside of vacuum chambers

2019-03-08 01:53:13 UTC  

@Citizen Z Ask them to show you evidence of a rocket precision maneuvering inside a controlled vacuum chamber of 10^-4 torr or lower.

2019-03-08 01:53:45 UTC  

@Human Sheeple ball 1 had already transferred its energy to ball 5, so of course it doesn't move

2019-03-08 01:53:49 UTC  

ball 5 moving up is the reaction

2019-03-08 01:53:52 UTC  

Then when they can't, ask them why there's a treaty to prevent them from showing you that information

2019-03-08 01:54:04 UTC  

schizophrenia lmao

2019-03-08 01:54:19 UTC  

no one launches rockets in a vacuum chamber because there's no practical purpose in doing so

2019-03-08 01:55:22 UTC  

why would rocket exhaust pushing off the air move a rocket forward anyways?

2019-03-08 01:55:36 UTC  

@Unpaid Intern Because it would show all the space agencies are frauds

2019-03-08 01:55:44 UTC  

at the point that the exhaust is leaving the rocket, it's detached from the rest of the vehicle, thus exerting no force on the vehicle

2019-03-08 01:55:55 UTC  

They're not going to show you they're criminals, they're going to bury the truth and hide stuff from you

2019-03-08 01:55:55 UTC  

@Human Sheeple that statement means literally nothing you waffle

2019-03-08 01:56:08 UTC  

so I should trust your conclusion instead?

2019-03-08 01:56:18 UTC

2019-03-08 01:56:22 UTC  

if their conclusion is wrong, does that make yours right by default

2019-03-08 01:56:22 UTC  

I don't trust all the devil's fork tongues

2019-03-08 01:56:25 UTC  

a picture that means nothing

2019-03-08 01:56:26 UTC  
