Message from @Ramen

Discord ID: 396691736132583424

2017-12-30 15:38:18 UTC  

```Euthanasia, abortion and suicide should all be legal```
How am I supposed to answer this? My answer depends who is being aborted or suiciding

2017-12-30 15:39:18 UTC  

if two A-ranked eugenic humans conceive a child that shows no sign of defect and then abort it, they should be impaled on pikes as blood angels at the city gate

2017-12-30 15:39:47 UTC  

if POC abort or sterilize themselves they should be paid, and if they commit suicide their surviving family should get 500k

2017-12-30 15:39:48 UTC  

that is true. i just put illegal for them i think

2017-12-30 15:40:06 UTC  

it should be standing policy for their family to get 500k if any of them suicide

2017-12-30 15:40:35 UTC  

make it 100k, but 500k if they are female of childbearing years

2017-12-30 15:41:38 UTC  

that's why I can't take political tests though, they assume policy preferences for "everyone"

2017-12-30 15:41:52 UTC  

when I favor race specific policy

2017-12-30 15:42:54 UTC  

when i took one asa freshman in college it said i was a "friendly fascist" i was like, no im a libertarian. years later i was like.. ok that test was pretty accurate

2017-12-30 15:45:19 UTC  

>ranking all abortion, suicide and abortion on the same level

2017-12-30 15:45:33 UTC  


2017-12-30 15:45:45 UTC  

we need to remake these tests so it has a dropdown menu to say for who

2017-12-30 15:45:48 UTC  

suicide is only illegal so cops can break into your house and stop you w/o a warrant anyway

2017-12-30 15:46:04 UTC  

hardly happens and it's almost a moot point

2017-12-30 15:46:09 UTC  

they need to remake the test so you do it once for YOUR group and a second time for everyone else's group

2017-12-30 15:46:33 UTC  

what do you mean

2017-12-30 15:46:58 UTC  

so you do the test answering for how you want the law to apply to your group only, then do the test again for how you want the laws to apply to everyone else in society

2017-12-30 15:47:13 UTC  

so you could say suicide and abortion are harshly punished for your group but incentivized for other groups

2017-12-30 15:47:19 UTC  

that would be a relatively simple test fix

2017-12-30 15:50:07 UTC  

then it's not a test really it's just confirmation

2017-12-30 15:51:20 UTC  

putting all abortion suicide and euthanasia on the same level is stupid but I honestly think that's more stupid

2017-12-30 15:52:16 UTC  

Do you want a question like "Should the black be exterminated"?

2017-12-30 15:52:20 UTC  


2017-12-30 15:52:28 UTC  

that is absurd

2017-12-30 15:52:45 UTC  

breaking news, some people see life differently than you

2017-12-30 15:53:30 UTC  

having a test question for that is absolutely ridiculous

2017-12-30 15:56:28 UTC  

yeah it's too specific

2017-12-30 15:56:55 UTC  

maybe something more broad like "There are whole demographic groups of people who need to be removed from our society." yes/no/maybe

2017-12-30 15:57:22 UTC  

how about "all groups are equal to eachother"

2017-12-30 15:57:31 UTC  

that's different, though related

2017-12-30 15:57:34 UTC  

the former is still too harsh

2017-12-30 15:57:40 UTC  

the test already presumes it though by the wording of questions

2017-12-30 15:57:52 UTC  

"some people should be prevented from reproducing"

2017-12-30 15:57:55 UTC  

why do they need to even ask you if you think groups are equal if all other questions want one law for all groups?

2017-12-30 15:58:09 UTC  

"some groups need to be separated for the betterment of all"

2017-12-30 15:58:24 UTC  

see ramen I literally do not know what normal people think is too harsh

2017-12-30 15:58:55 UTC  

I have no idea

2017-12-30 15:59:05 UTC  

the test assumes you have a perfect society where everyone is equal

2017-12-30 15:59:09 UTC  

race or not

2017-12-30 15:59:10 UTC  

I only know what I think is right, not what soft normal people think about stuff

2017-12-30 15:59:23 UTC  

That test asks if cultures are equal